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Reviews for Key - The Metal Idol Perfect Collection
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
This is a bit for bit perfect R1 rip with no compression applied-if you have this there is no need to get the oop R1 set.
Ditto for the audio.
Ditto for the audio.
Very cerebral series-on the same level with Serial Experiments Lain-excellent.
Level: 5
Reviews: 77
Experience: 37,036
This review has not been rated yet.
11 Apr 2009 00:46:33
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Good video. No probs. I think I only remember one shot w/ pixelation.
No probs with audio. Only watched the jap track.
No probs with audio. Only watched the jap track.
Great plot. Thought the beginning really dragged. I was annoyed w/ Key's lack of character and when it ended, I was still annoyed but not so much. Yeah she was suppose to be a robot but didn't really notice that much change in her by the end. The ending was a major disappointment. It was predictable and I prayed it would end differently but it didn't. Not really a must buy but worth seeing.
Level: 3
Reviews: 22
Experience: 11,607
100% (3) found this review useful
28 Mar 2004 19:04:20
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
R1 Rip flawless interms of pixelation during high movement but sometimes prevalent in dark scenes. the video does tend to move side to side and can be annoying at times but doesnt detract the anime
Direct rips on both audio, NB dub is appaling
Direct rips on both audio, NB dub is appaling
what can i say... considering its from 1994 this anime is years ahead of it time.Very original plot aswell it keeps you guessing and on edge and can get quite dark/serious at times. and is very Drama heavy so those that dont like drama beware.. but at least give it a try coz it will leave you questioning your ownself at times This anime is Awesome and should be in every serious anime collectors hands. Its seriously Underatted considering how forward thinking it was for 94 with great twists and develpoments
Level: 4
Reviews: 16
Experience: 19,942
100% (4) found this review useful
18 Mar 2004 18:08:24
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Video is very good except in the first episode on disc one where screen-jumping was observed, and lots of it, reminded me of Evangelion episode 1. In some darker scenes where there is little color contrast, some pixelation is seen, but it's negligible. There are also split-second white flashes around the border of the picture, but they are few and far between. Other than those, the video quality is top notch.
I listen to the dubs, which suck, but I hate subtitles because I don't read too fast and I watch anime for the artistic expression, so I don't want to be distracted by having to read the plot instead of listen to it. The dubs suck, except for Key, but the quality of the sound is top notch. The DVDs has good sound quality, but the sound effects remind me of Bubblegum Crisis 2040, which is not a good thing.
I listen to the dubs, which suck, but I hate subtitles because I don't read too fast and I watch anime for the artistic expression, so I don't want to be distracted by having to read the plot instead of listen to it. The dubs suck, except for Key, but the quality of the sound is top notch. The DVDs has good sound quality, but the sound effects remind me of Bubblegum Crisis 2040, which is not a good thing.
This anime reminded me a LOT of Alfred Hitchcock movies. Not many people can successfully immitate Hitchcock, but this series does it well. Aside from the rambling in the 90-minute long episode 14 (and there is a LOT of it, mostly recapping and filling in holes) the story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Very original plot, a few VERY WELL done plot twists, and very good use of dramatic pauses. The over anime series I give a 4.5, too bad I can't rate that in this review. If you don't mind long-winded monologues in episode 14, and don't mind a 90-minute long final episode that takes a while to finally end, then this is a great anime. Oh, yeah, one more thing. The ending comes a little too fast and sudden, which reminded me of Princess Mononoke, which isn't a bad thing, just a thing.
Level: 1
Reviews: 2
Experience: 2,077
100% (6) found this review useful
28 Feb 2004 06:18:01
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
R1 Rip and very high videoquality. Only in ep 14 there was one scene which was a bit too dark to see on the tv, but with some little room adjustments (I turned the lights off) you can see what happens.
Great! Didn't listen to the dubs though, since I hate dubs.
Great! Didn't listen to the dubs though, since I hate dubs.
A must-have. You can't get a better version than this one and besides that I think this is one everyone has to see. Lotsa extras (standard though, but lots of them) on each disc: Character info, Interview with the director, conceptual art, clean op and ed and frequently asked questions. 13 30 minutes eps and 2 90 minutes eps.
Level: 1
Reviews: 3
Experience: 2,524
100% (3) found this review useful
27 Feb 2004 12:45:09
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Video was great. No problems
Audio was good, English dub seemed to be louder than the japanese track. Not a problem
Audio was good, English dub seemed to be louder than the japanese track. Not a problem
This is a must buy set, very good. Each disc has extras(Interview, Character Info, Clean OP and ED, etc.) 13 episodes plus 2 hour in a half episodes(or movies?)
Level: 4
Reviews: 55
Experience: 24,347
100% (2) found this review useful
28 Jan 2004 01:10:30
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
R1 rip so its perfect. I notices that some scenes where blurry but other than that it was perfect
Both tracks where excellent, as always japanese is a little higher than the english track but that happens in every set
Both tracks where excellent, as always japanese is a little higher than the english track but that happens in every set
I've found this anime to be unique, I loved it. The drama is really good, theres no ''fan service'' here its pure drama. The series even if its 15 episodes its really long. Episodes 14 and 15 are 1 hour and 30 minutes long each, thats the first time I've seen this in an anime. I was happy cause if the episodes remained short it wouldnt have ended that good. The story seems simple but its a little complex. People that don't like drama should even consider giving KTMI a big chance!!. Its a very good anime with great characters/story and it should definetly be in every anime lovers shelf!!!!!!!
Level: 4
Reviews: 26
Experience: 26,426
100% (4) found this review useful
25 Jan 2004 15:18:30
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
excellent video quality, beautifull, i have no complaints about the quality.
The audio was perfect nothing noticable unless you have supper hearing or sumthing ( wouldnt that be cool). The dubbing was spot on and the song were really good, they fit in, and really got you involved. Excellent. although 5.1 would be good to have
The audio was perfect nothing noticable unless you have supper hearing or sumthing ( wouldnt that be cool). The dubbing was spot on and the song were really good, they fit in, and really got you involved. Excellent. although 5.1 would be good to have
This is one of favoraite dvds in all my collections even though i dont really have that many. The music complimented the animation and got you involved. Each episode left me quite. waiting for the next to come on. It really drags you in to it. As the mood of the serie changes you re sure to follow. With many interesting twists and development this one really kept me attached to the sceen. Although i dont think that was very good for my eyes. Also the idea of GEL really got me thinking. Pretty cool idea. Well to rap it up i say this is one of the must haves for anyones dvd collection no matter what your into even, though your probably already into anime other wise you wont really be reading this review would you. GET IT!!!
Level: 7
Reviews: 3
Experience: 80,248
100% (2) found this review useful
17 Dec 2003 21:19:54
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
its a perfect r1 rip. its beautiful. if it has any problems, the r1 also has them. i thought mac did an amazing job
it was really good. i thought the inglish voices on on pair with the japanese ones and the music was really good. key's lullaby in inglish sucks a little bit because she doesn't have any talent :P.
it was really good. i thought the inglish voices on on pair with the japanese ones and the music was really good. key's lullaby in inglish sucks a little bit because she doesn't have any talent :P.
i really like this series. i thought it was really good. the animation goes from avarage to really good, and it really goes with the shows mood. really good. different from everything else. i think chobits copied some moments from this anime.
Level: 3
Reviews: 14
Experience: 12,692
100% (4) found this review useful
31 Oct 2003 04:31:53
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Video is quite grainy and there is some ghosting, especially noticeable in some darker scenes. Still, it may be a perfect R1 rip, but I can't tell as I don't know the original quality.
Nothing to complain about on my simple stereo TV. I only listened to the Japanese audio, so I can't tell anything about the English dub.
Nothing to complain about on my simple stereo TV. I only listened to the Japanese audio, so I can't tell anything about the English dub.
The first two disc contain 13 normal length 25 minute episodes (7+6) and the last disc contains two XXL episodes (each more then 90 minutes long). All openings and endings and previews are there and subbed. Also contains some extras, but I didn't bother watching those. This is a slightly weird, melancholic android story. Must be my favorite genre. If you liked stuff like Lain, this should appeal to you. A very good set of an excellent anime. Highly recommended!
Level: 10
Reviews: 127
Experience: 223,231
100% (3) found this review useful
21 Oct 2003 21:12:59
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
Great R1 rip. MAC is really starting to get its act together!
Excellent 2.0 English & Japanese Stereo. Too bad no 5.1, because the music and especially, the songs, are outstanding!
Excellent 2.0 English & Japanese Stereo. Too bad no 5.1, because the music and especially, the songs, are outstanding!
I would say that this is a 'must own' title. The songs are especially good. They are in English, if youre listening to the English dub. In Japanese, on the Japanese track. I think Key will grab you from the opening song. The storyline is a bit hard to follow at first, but it does come together quite nicely. One odd thing I should note. The first 13 episodes are your standard 23 minute length. However, Episodes 14 & 15, are a whopping 95 minutes each! Full length features! Thats good and bad, as Chapter 14 upsets the pace a bit, with very long and drawn out dialogue. An attempt to try and tie up loose ends for the viewer, that could have been directed better. But, the last episode makes up for it in a grand manner! All in all, I highly recommend this anime. It fits very comfortably next to LAIN.
Level: 3
Reviews: 23
Experience: 15,480
100% (5) found this review useful
19 Sep 2003 04:30:51