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Reviews for Pia Carrot *Hentai*
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
It's a R1 rip, pretty good video quality. I didn't see any noticeable pixellation or grainy spot. The only complaint I got is the color background for the ending credits was changed from black for pale gray. When viewing it in pale gray, you can see the shadow of the japanese character's with plenty of vertical line. Very ugly to see. Besides that, it's flawless
No problem detected. Both japanese and english tracks are excellent. I loved the ending song " Desu no ippai wa doki Sushiyo" a lot.
No problem detected. Both japanese and english tracks are excellent. I loved the ending song " Desu no ippai wa doki Sushiyo" a lot.
I really like the hentai alot. There are not much H-scene in it. There is only 3 h-scene in 1 hours 30 minutes (1 h-scene per episode). The storyline was pretty good. The hentai is based on the popular PC japanese h-game from the same name. There is some difference between the anime and the PC version like Shoko's hair is red in the PC, but pink in the anime but otherwise, it's like the PC version. There were plenty of humurous spot in the anime like when Satomi cooks at the Pia Carrot restaurant, a cat walks by her and offers the cat some food, he tries her cooking and he goes ballistic and runs away like crazy. Too spicy and Yusuke was watching the hole time. Rumi and Shoko tries to cook at Yusuke's place but they turn the kitchen into a warzone so Satomi ends up cooking and Yusuke had a really bad feeling about it HAHAHAHA, you should have seen his face. Other scene that were funny is when Yusuke enters the restaurant locker room and Reika was topless, she slaps him so hard, he flies to the end of the room. Yusuke's gets a glimpse of her cousin's panties near the swimming pool, Satomi's sees him and tries to drowned him with her legs and kicking him repeatatly HHAHAHAHA. Overall, this was a fun hentai to watch. It goes to the category of 85% storyline, 15% h-scene like End of Summer and Mystery of the Necronomicron. If you want an hentai with plenty of h-scene, you'll be disappointed. If you're a fan of Pia Carrot like me, get it right away. So give it a try, the hentai was pretty good. VERY RECOMMANDED (Big Thanx to my good buddy MatthewMalay for buying me Pia Carrot)
Level: 11
Reviews: 74
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100% (1) found this review useful
11 Jan 2004 03:04:19