An unprecedented fusion of CG-animation and Japanese anime, The Animatrix is a collection of original short films conceived by the Wachowski Brothers, the creators of the Matrix Trilogy. Inspired by the visionary action innovative storytelling that power the trilogy, this spectacular visual short film series delves deeper into the mind-bending world of The Matrix and the characters that inhabit it. Created in the anime style pioneered by Japanese animation artists and helmed by the world-renowned anime directors, The Animatrix also features the voices of actors Keanu Reeves (Neo) and Carrie-Anne Moss (trinity) in two of the shorts.
Episode 1 & 2: THE SECOND RENAISSANCE ( parts 1&2)
The Genesis of the Matrix: the last cities of mankind, the war with the machines, and humanity\'s ultimate downfall. An epic guided tour of the Zion archives and the history of the Matrix.
Episode 3: THE PROGRAM
In the simulated world of a Samurai training program, CIS, a soldier of Zion, is forced to choose between love and her comrades in the real world.
Through an incredible combination of will power and physical strength, DAN, a world-record-holding sprinter, breaks out of the Matrix and gets an all-too-brief glimpse of the real world beyond.
Episode 5: KID\"S STORY
Sitting in his high-school classroom, THE KID gets a personalized invitation from Neo to escape the Matrix. But finding an exit proves more difficult than he ever imagined.
Episode 6: BEYOND
In a quiet town where all is not as it seems, YOKO finds a bug in the system: an abandoned mansion in which anything seems possible. And then the exterminators arrive to \"de-bug\"...
Hard-boiled private investigator Ash tracks cyber-criminal Trinity through the looking glass
A small group of rebels have captured a sentient robot and proceed to program it to act as an ally for their cause. They succeed too well in teaching the robot to prefer their \"human Matrix\" to machine reality. And the robot\'s appetite for the \"human Matrix\" may exceed the humans\' ability to supply it.
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