Must be R2 rip
As above
As above
This was really good! It's a tad Cowboy Bebop (which might sound odd as Bebop is Lupin influenced anyway). It is a mix of old and new - 60s and contemporary all together (but not the future - this is where it is unlike Bebop). The main characters look like their still styled is the 60s, but all most other characters look modern. There's old guns and new guns from the P38 to Uzis and even an M60. There's old cars and new cars. It's a sort of fusion of a modern story, but it's a story of the very beginning. So, this might sound odd but forget it and watch - it's a really good special with a fresh new injection. The ending (without a spoiler so no worries) suggests another twist again on the story and may well explain the whole interesting slant in the first place! I've not seen a lot of Lupin movies and mainly TV, but this is one of the best stories I've seen. Great animation too. It feels not so much like a structured film, but a super-long short story, but it works very well as it is intended. 4.5/5
Lupin fans must have this... Maybe those very old school fans won't like it much, but if your into modern stuff like Cowboy Bebop as well as Lupin, you'll love it.
Note: Also included unsubbed trailers
Level: 3
Reviews: 20
Experience: 9,985
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