This set continues the trend of super high quality. Once again probably better than the original broadcast back in the 70s
Originally recorded in mono this has also been lovingly restored and is about as high a quality as you can imagine for a show that's 25 years old.
Originally recorded in mono this has also been lovingly restored and is about as high a quality as you can imagine for a show that's 25 years old.
Kudos to this set for keeping chapter breaks at the beginning of the opening credits, then at the start of the show, then at the coming attractions for each episode. It would have been nice to have a chapter break mid episode but I'm not going to push my luck.
This set really shows how different the different directors were on this show. One episode has Zenigata being a total imbecile while the next has him as a super cop taking on the whole gang single handedly. This also means there are going to be episodes you love and episodes you wish you hadn't wasted your time on. If you're buying this set then you've probably already bought some of the previous sets so you know what you're getting in to.
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