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Reviews for Saber Marionette J and Again Perfect Collection
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
it looks amazing. you can't blame the darkness of the video to the hk because that's the way this anime was made. the only thing that kept it from getting a 5 out of 5 for me was the little, really little pixelation the video has in certain occasions. i though it was amazing, as usual with fx titles
i didn't listen to any problems at all. it was great. perfect. Spanish dub.. yipie yay yai. Que bueno! siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
i didn't listen to any problems at all. it was great. perfect. Spanish dub.. yipie yay yai. Que bueno! siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
this is a great series. i hope fx releases j to x soon...:)
Level: 3
Reviews: 14
Experience: 12,692
100% (2) found this review useful
23 Aug 2003 18:50:57
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
This show doesn't have the best video but it isn't bad. I normally have movie mode selected on my tv and i had to set it to normal because the picture is alittle dark. Once you do that it looks fine. The first disk has the most pixelation but almost all hk dvds have alittle during close up fast paced scenes.
Your normal 2.0 sound. It has a japanese, english, and spanish track. The japanese has a richer sound but the dubbed is really good too. As for the spanish, it sounded softer like the english but i don't speak spanish.
Your normal 2.0 sound. It has a japanese, english, and spanish track. The japanese has a richer sound but the dubbed is really good too. As for the spanish, it sounded softer like the english but i don't speak spanish.
I loved this series. I had never seen it before. If you combine armitage the third and tenchi you would have an idea of what it is like. It is very funny and has your common machine learning to be human theme. It also has really great fight scenes. As far as extra's go, none but still worth the money.
Level: 4
Reviews: 38
Experience: 19,269
100% (1) found this review useful
20 Aug 2003 23:18:39
Rating of 3.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.2 out of 0
J: Somewhat of a letdown. You have a minor bit of pixilation, but because, in general, being the dark colored show that it is, it looks worse. It's hard to describe, but you'll see what I mean. Also, there are some minor interlacing issues, which while aren't common, are still there. It is much more noticeable on an HDTV, so, perhaps, don't watch this on one. However, it is probably safe to assume that this was present on the R1's, as I have yet to see an HK DVD that has done this where it was not present on the source. 3.5/5 Again: There really isn't any problems that I could find with this. If I have any complaints at all, it's that the MI logo appears on in the upper right hand corner of the screen once during the first episode. 5/5
J: Standard 2 channel audio. The audio seems to always be in sync with the video. I merely checked to see if the English and Spanish dubs were there. They are. 4.5/5 Again: See above. I'll rate this a little higher because it sounds just a little better. I assume because it's newer. 5/5
J: Standard 2 channel audio. The audio seems to always be in sync with the video. I merely checked to see if the English and Spanish dubs were there. They are. 4.5/5 Again: See above. I'll rate this a little higher because it sounds just a little better. I assume because it's newer. 5/5
J: Cute show. Except for a few minor issues, I found it to be quite enjoyable. 4/5 Again: Hey kids! Wanna milk a series?! Sugoi! 3/5
Level: 4
Reviews: 28
Experience: 24,862
100% (2) found this review useful
26 Apr 2003 22:41:52