The video is very good, i dident notice any major problems. Ofcourse you get some pixelation during heavy fight sene's, but most people wont notice it (i think you wont see it at all on a TV (note: this serie was viewed on a 17" TFT PC monitor)).
Score (4.5)
Same here, your standard Japanese audio track. There where no auto of sync moments, or any strange sounds (overmodulated sounds etc).
Score (5.0)
Same here, your standard Japanese audio track. There where no auto of sync moments, or any strange sounds (overmodulated sounds etc).
Score (5.0)
This set is a MI rip ( looks like 1 on 1 copy's widout the MI intro ).
This serie is realy good, if you can get past the first 1.5 hour's, becouse it's kinde hard to get into the serie thanks to all the children. A 13 year old piloting a Gundam?? Lucky that after the first 1.5 hours the character mature's to a 16+ years old level (and become's less anoying). After you get past these introduction episode's, the story starts to unfoled more, and become's realy good (and very dark). I did notice several MAJOR flaws in the serie (gundam getting one of his weapons destroyed by a spider mech, deep in enemy terain, with no replacements around, and one episode later when he fights again, his weapons are back *grins* nice try director ;) ).
If you like the Gundam Serie's, this is a serie you wil glady see, but this serie has also more flaws in it (most of these flaws people wont notice, but i'm a stickler for details like that ;) ).
Sinds this serie will most likly never (or not for the first 3 or 4 years atleased) see a R1 release, this set is the best you will get.
Level: 4
Reviews: 38
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