Oh my, what a dark, serious and violent anime. This 1989 series contains 6 episodes, and is a direct R1 Manga Entertainment rip.
Video: 4/5
It's old, so keep your expectations low. Grains can be seen once in a while. I don't consider this a problem or disturbing in any way. In fact, I think it's pretty good.
Audio: 4/5
I really can't tell if it's 5.1 or whatever, I only used a PC 2-speaker system. English dub available, and dubbed lines are quite different from the subs. There is also a scene where there is no dialogue in the Japanese track, and no English subs, and yet in the English track someone is talking. Also, episodes 4, 5 and 6 seem to have the audio mistimed by about 1/3 or 1/2 seconds early. It's not very noticeable, and you'll only notice it if you know about it or really pay attention, so I don't consider this a big deal. Ok, it may be a big deal if you're being really nit-picky (@_@)
English Subtitles: 5/5
Almost perfect. There are a few unsubbed lines, and misspellings a few times, but nothing to complain about, really. I am quite forgiving ^_^
- There is no song for the opening. The narration starts, then the title Angel Cop appears.
- Endings and episode previews intact. Ending song not subbed.
- Episode 6's title is shown as Doomsday, yet the subs show Angel. Strange...
- Static, silent menus.
With its 6 episodes and running time of almost 3 hours, this is a good buy, especially if you like dead-serious anime with terrorism, cybernetics, psychics, and lots of blood. Caution: graphic violence and brief nudity.
edited by Dannyl on 05 Nov 2002 12:19 am
Level: 5
Reviews: 25
Experience: 29,268
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