This is a good sci-fi anime from 1993. The animation isn't that great, but the story makes up for it. It was obviously ripped from an R1 source, since it has an English track and very good English subtitles. Here is the rip info...
Video: 4/5
No noticeable distractions. Seems good.
Audio: 4/5
Watched on 2-speaker PC. No problems. English dub available, but I didn't try that. I always go with the Japanese track.
English Subtitles: 5/5
Excellent! It's an R1 source, so you can't go wrong with this one. Grammar, spellings, timing, everything ok. I didn't like the font, but that's just me ^_^
Overall a good show, and a good rip. Will appeal to any anime fan, especially those who like science fiction as well. Caution: some nudity.
edited by Dannyl on 05 Nov 2002 1:08 am
Level: 5
Reviews: 25
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