Being a TV rip (the TV station logo often appears in the top right hand corner), the Video quality of this release was never going to be excellent. With that said there are no major problems just a fair few minor imperfections. The video, especially on the introduction appears to be quite fuzzy, certainly more so than some digital fansubs that i've seen. This in itself I find quite perplexing since if I was MI I would have waited until the R2 DVD's hit the market (not long at all, I think one volume is out already) and ripped the video straight from those. One thing that should mentioned is the menu that appears when you load up the DVD. I would have preferred something a lot simpler since this menu is so damn slow I wasalmost pulling my hair in frustration trying to get the thing started on episode one. On the whole besides the fuzzyness issue, the video suffers from minor macroblocking and a few artificing issues but apart from that everything else seems acceptable. As it stands the video is certainly serviceable but is ostensibly nowhere close to what a DVD rip whould be like. Good but a somewhat missed opportunity.
The audio also suffers slightly from being a TV rip, since some scenes appeared slightly drowned or muffled. It's nothing too bad as on the whole the sound is fine and has no major problems, but it just serves to underline the fact MI should have waited for the offical R2's to come out.
The audio also suffers slightly from being a TV rip, since some scenes appeared slightly drowned or muffled. It's nothing too bad as on the whole the sound is fine and has no major problems, but it just serves to underline the fact MI should have waited for the offical R2's to come out.
A missed opportunity all round, this should have (and could have) been one of the best HK DVD's yet, but instead it falls WAY short of greatness. Only worth the cash if you're a hardcore GiTS fan and you just have to see what this newest installment in the GiTS universe is like. Average at best.
Level: 7
Reviews: 34
Experience: 86,228
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