This was probably taken directly from TV, but the quality was still pretty good. A little blurry and a little over-saturated, but still very pretty.
Perfectly decent audio, I'm no audiophile though, so don't take my word for it ;-)
Perfectly decent audio, I'm no audiophile though, so don't take my word for it ;-)
The story is pretty engrossing in this set of four episodes (nice that they kicked it up to 4 episodes per DVD after the first DVD). The first episode is a one-off story about a bunch of suicidal love-androids, but the next three episodes contain a single story-arc about a hacker / blackmailer / kidnapper named the Laughing man. This was a pretty great story (pure GITS territory) but the subtitles really got annoying -- in one episode the villain is referred to as the Laughing man, in the next he is the Laugher, and several times he is called the Laughter. I am really loving this series but it needs to get a decent translated edition!
Note: the disc also has 4 documentaries with some production interviews and definitions of GITS terms that were poorly translated, and IMHO boring. I skipped through them after watching the director "ummmmm" and "errrr" his way through his first question ;-)
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