A VHS Rip. Great. No seriously, for a VHS rip this one isn't *too* bad. The colours are largely vibrant and everything is fairly detailed. However, because it is a VHS rip, there's a fair amount of edge-aliasing problems to be found as well as a whole heap of grain throughout. Not a particularly good transfer, but considering the source, what could they have done?
Again the VHS rip transfer does this release no favours. The audio seems pretty muted and muffled in most scenes not to mention that absolutely cruddy Streamline dub *shudders*. I think all you have here is basic stereo and that's your lot. Not the worst audio i've seen on a HK DVD, but it's certainly close to it.
Again the VHS rip transfer does this release no favours. The audio seems pretty muted and muffled in most scenes not to mention that absolutely cruddy Streamline dub *shudders*. I think all you have here is basic stereo and that's your lot. Not the worst audio i've seen on a HK DVD, but it's certainly close to it.
Well, if you absolutely positively HAVE to see Crying Freeman then this below par release is your only choice. I can't stress enough that I wish that they would have waited to rip a DVD release for this bootleg, since it would have increased the scores that I had given to this title dramatically. VHS rips are bad news.
Level: 7
Reviews: 34
Experience: 86,228
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