The LD transfer is great, with solid lines and no pixelation that I could see. It loses some points for bad colors in some episode, some episodes will have different dark levels, and some just don't look right. It's really now that bad, but sometimes annoying.
The MI logo is burned on very often in episodes, and the email addresses are there to, but they're much less frequent then the logo.
Each episode has the opening intact and everthing, but that's neccesary because each opening is different. It's good though, all endings are there too.
It was regular clear audio. Woo!
It was regular clear audio. Woo!
The set has the same design as the first series, with the brick background, but this time green colored. I have NO idea why Kaito Kid (a manga also written by Gosho Aoyama, but never got it's own animation) is on the cover. I know he appears in some movies, but I'm pretty sure he isn't in this TV season at all (still haven't finished disc 3)
They use the same picture of Ran, Conan and Shinichi in the gatefold, then use the picture of the keyhole twice. Then there's 3 pictures of Conan, sometimes with Ran as well, for the discs. The discs bricks are a more blueish color then the package, so it looks a little strange.
Once again, the slots for the discs have the pictures of the discs in reverse order, so instead of disc 1 being on your left, then 2 then 3 on your right, the discs (if you match the disc pictures with the pictures behind them) are discs 3, 2, 1. Still don't know why they do this.
The menus are still, but don't have music in the background this time. I like that, since Conan doesn't have a very good theme song yet. The menus look nice, though.
The chapter points are GREATLY improved since the last set, being set at start of episode (theme), episode title, then ending song rather then start of episode and that's it. The following few minutes of the episode that comes after the ending song is subtitles, but not the preview part right after that. No intros/endings were subbed.
The content is great, a truly wonderful series. The mysteries continue with more well shaped murder mysteries. All people should enjoy this show, which never gets boring to watch.
This set overall is great. Worth checking out, and the content sure as heck rocks.
Level: 8
Reviews: 48
Experience: 117,632
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