Video/Audio: Both of these are what a DVD release should be, crisp and clean.
Subs/Dubs: Unfortunately, the only subs on this release are in Chinese. There is an English dub track that has a reasonable translation but horrible voice acting.
Content: My wife and I (both HUGE FY fans) had to turn this off partway into the second episode. The story is pretty simple and the characters seem to have lost most of the depth that made the original series so good. I'm going to blame this on the dub job more than anything else.
Overall: This is a direct rip of the MI release (down to the big green M splash screen) only less expensive. If you must see this before the R1 release is out this winter, then pick this disc up. Otherwise, there is a lot of good anime to add to your collection before this disc.
Level: 12
Reviews: 137
Experience: 351,263
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