Initial D is a story about Takumi Fujiwara, an 18-year-old high school student and the son of the owner of the local tofu shop at Akina. Akina is a popular spot for car races as the roads are hardly used by other vehicles, and that there are plenty of tricky turns that will satisfy the experienced driver.
The story begins when the Akagi Red Suns team, who are led by the Takahashi brothers Ryousuke and Keisuke, challenges the Akina Speed Stars to a race. During the practice night, a mysterious AE86 Sprinter Trueno shows up and defeats Keisuke Takahashi's Mazda RX-7. Feeling humiliated by being defeated by a 10 year-old car, Keisuke vows to find the mystery driver and beat him in a rematch no matter what...
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