Endless Waltz is the conclusion of the Gundam Wing storyline. Originally released straight to video in Japan, it is airing as a special on the Toonami block of Cartoon Network. Following the cessation of hostilities at the end of Gundam Wing, the five Gundam pilots part ways, and a new organization called the Preventers is formed to maintain universal peace. However, on Christmas eve of the first year of peace, one of the colonies revolts, kidnapping Vice Minister Relena Darlian in the process, and the five Gundam pilots must reunite to fulfill their true purpose: prevent the real Operation Meteor from raining death upon the Earth, and in doing so, finally reach the peace that so many people had lived and died to attain. The back story of the teenage pilots is finally totally revealed, especially focusing on the taciturn pilot known as Trowa Barton, and the Gundams get one last taste of combat before?well, I won't spoil the ending for you! Gundam Wing fans will love this, of course, and the characters don't seem nearly as outrageous and psychotic as in the TV series, especially Relena. Endless Waltz, despite the patently goofy title, actually succeeds in letting the storyline, rather than the unbelievable characters, do the talking, and it works. Even Wu-Fei redeems himself, and that in itself makes this series worth seeing for anyone who liked Gundam Wing.<br />