In the years following the defeat of the Neo Zeon (see Gundam ZZ), the AEUG is disbanded. Many of its members, notably eternal captain Bright Noah and ace pilot Amuro Rey, sign up with the Federal Forces and become the core of a special task force called "London Bell." The London Bell's mission is to suppress Neo Zeon insurgents and other anti-Federation movements - essentially the same mission as the Titans, the elite force the AEUG was created to oppose, but carried out with less brutality.
In UC 0093, the brief peace is shattered by the reappearance of Char Aznable. Son of spacenoid martyr Zeon zum Daikun, most famous Zeon ace of the One Year War, and charismatic spokesman of the AEUG, Char is loved by the spacenoids and feared by the Earth Federation. Forming his own Neo Zeon movement, Char plans to cripple the corrupt Federation and liberate the spacenoids by bombarding Earth with asteroids. With vast amounts of dust and debris cutting off sunlight, Earth will freeze, forcing humanity to complete its stalled migration to space. As the story begins, Char's fleet is just completing the first phase of his plan...
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