I noticed some pixelation in some of the fight scenes so i knocked it down a notch but overall pretty good quality...I think its a laserdic source since I don't think their is an R2 release out yet...Didn't notice any ghosting or flickering screens like you would expect from Tv rips.
No hissing sounds found here that's for sure...Saber swords and laser cannons sounded pretty sharp..since its ripped from MI i knocked it down a point since I had to raise my TV up to hear the fighting since I like watching my anime really loud.
No hissing sounds found here that's for sure...Saber swords and laser cannons sounded pretty sharp..since its ripped from MI i knocked it down a point since I had to raise my TV up to hear the fighting since I like watching my anime really loud.
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!! It's pretty neat series and doesn't really drag the politics like Gundam Wing did at times..The characters are each pretty much all different and have their own reasons for fighting but I do wish they would have revealed a bit more about the characters =(...The two main villians are so cool and so are their Gundams that they pilot..Buy this set now and I'm pretty sure you will agree this show is awesome.
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