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Reviews for Injuh Nerawareta Idol *Hentai*
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 3.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
Very nice video, DVD-5 used for about 40 or so minutes of animation. The animation itself is suprisingly good for the genre. The main character (pictured on cover) is extremely cute if you haven't noticed.
No problems with the audio whatsoever. Though I would have like to have seen the song sung by the main character (also happens to be an idol singer) subbed. I guess we can't win them all. ^_^
No problems with the audio whatsoever. Though I would have like to have seen the song sung by the main character (also happens to be an idol singer) subbed. I guess we can't win them all. ^_^
Well this was my first full hentai watch. I knew nothing about this when I picked it up but I figured "What the hell, I'll go for it". Special Note: Originally I would just do a video,audio,sub,and an a final thought in my reviews. I decided that I should add some other important elements Package (I know other people do this) Menu (Ditto with this one) Replayability (Very important to know when you are making a purchase) Ok let's get onto the review. Video 5/5 - Suprisingly there were no problems whatsoever. The video was very crisp, but there wasn't much to put on so you have to factor that in. The animation was also very good for this genre. The main character Yukimi was very cute. ^_^ Audio 5/5 - Another winner. I hook my DVD player up to a stereo with a sub woofer (with that you can notice static more easily) Subs 3/5 - I was ambivalent over this. I wanted to give it a high enough rating to reflect the timing. The timing was dead on for the entire feature. However the translation is a different story. At some points the subs are in perfect english and others it's in engrish. There are misspelled words. Also during a concert they do not subtitle the song. Not to mention the small advertising gets annoying (very infrequent however). For some reason they subtitle any sort of suprised reaction with Opps?, don't ask me I don't get it either. Names ------------- Yukimi - Yumei Akito - Mingjun Manager's name - Mr. Tzsou (or something like that) Packaging 4/5 - Well it's cute and in a standard amaray case. It just does a bad job at showing what's really inside. Though overall it's nice. Menu 3/5 - Well it's in english. That's a plus. However the part to select the chinese subs is in Chinese and so is the chapter select. It has about a 20 second music clip. Is it just me or does it sound like the beginning to Madonna's Ray of Light? I think they stole it, no foolin'. Replayability 2/5 - I don't really see myself popping this one into my DVD Player too often. However, it'll definately get a rewatch some time in the future. Content 3/5 - Not a bad hentai release. It had tentacle rape in it, but it seemed kind of tame. As stated earlier the idol singer in it is very cute. She has a boyfriend of sorts, and they are kind of being separated. Some actress is against her and therefore wants her raped by her manager (who ends up getting transformed into a demon....go figure). There really wasn't that much sex in it to be honest. Maybe 4 scenes (2 lasted for like 15 seconds). One last thing, I don't know where this 4 episodes junk comes from. There is only a 40 some odd minute feature. I checked carefully. I went into chapter select and fumbled around a while. After finishing it, the credits came up and then it directed it me back to the menu. So it was 40+ minutes for about $11.50. Overall not bad but not a steal either. Final thought - Well it wasn't the best hentai release ever. I'm hoping something like an HK New Angel set would come out. That series looked decent. I'm not a huge hentai fan but I still enjoyed it. Just don't expect too much from it. Remember the fact that it is a 40+ minute feature and not some 4 episode series. edited by Steve_the_Talking_Pie on 15 Aug 2002 10:09 am edited by Steve_the_Talking_Pie on 15 Aug 2002 3:50 pm edited by Steve_the_Talking_Pie on 15 Aug 2002 3:56 pm edited by Steve_the_Talking_Pie on 20 Aug 2002 10:47 am
Level: 5
Reviews: 16
Experience: 28,794
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15 Aug 2002 17:08:13