This is a review for the AV version.
Video 4.5/5: Skips once or twice, but could just be my player. Overall, video was good.
Audio 5/5: No problems here, everything sounds fine.
Subtitles 3.5/5: Understandable, but ALOT of grammatical errors. Not as bad as Engrish or FOB English, but coulda been better.
Content: Good recap of the 1st series, but not having seen the original 1st Stage I'm still a little confused about some points. VERY general overview of series, and nothing gets explored too much. Having seen bits and pieces of 1st Stage and all of 2nd Stage, I recommend getting Integral only if you're a collector of Vandread episodes.
edited by rob_sf on 31 Jul 2002 7:52 pm
Level: 1
Reviews: 2
Experience: 1,003
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