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Reviews for Love Hina Again
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
Video looked like an awesome R2 rip. Only some grain and small pixelation on very heave scenes, but barely noticable.
Sounded perfect.
Sounded perfect.
1 chapter Per episode. There were textless ending(s) and opening as extra's on the disc. Overall a very simple, but good disc! recommended.
Level: 8
Reviews: 51
Experience: 109,542
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18 Feb 2003 13:10:39
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Preatty good video, looks like an R2 rip. Some occiasonal pixelatization, but ntohing really distracting.
Couldn't hear anything wrong with it.
Couldn't hear anything wrong with it.
Menu: 3/5 - Functional menu, but a little bland. No annoyningly long transitions like the TV series though. Chapter stops: 1 per episode I think, but for some reason my dvd player wasn't displaying a time index. Extras: Creditless opening and all 3 endings.
Level: 2
Reviews: 5
Experience: 4,462
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30 Jan 2003 19:49:50
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
I was wondering at first what the creators could do after the TV series. I was afraid that it would be more outragous like Episode 25, but it turned out to be very cute and beautiful like the Christmas Special. Video 4.5/5: Very good, almost perfect a few pixelations but nothing major. Sound 5/5: Perfect as far as I am concerned. Subtitles 4/5: Just some typos and some grammar problems, again nothing major. Other 5/5: DVD menu was very nice, and there are some extras, like credit-free endings for each episode. Overall 4.5/5: Very good DVD, I recommend buying it now. It's a great conclusion to a great series. edited by Ohgami on 18 Oct 2002 10:44 am
Level: 2
Reviews: 6
Experience: 3,679
100% (1) found this review useful
18 Oct 2002 17:43:26
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Well, as everyone said, this seems to be just a rip of MI. I haven't watched this all the way through, so if you're inbetween what to do with this DVD, don't let my review sway you. Onward-- -- Video was pretty good on my awful tv. I was impressed, but then, I'm impressed when my Genesis works on my tv... -- Audio seemed fine. No glaring problems... no five minute periods of feedback... -- Content was... Love Hina Again. What can I say, I like the TV series. The OVA, well... it's fan service and all, but... I dunno, I miss the coolness of the TV show. Oh and there weren't any cool extras that I could see, but as I said I haven't finished it. Of course, it's an HK, what do you expect? -- Subs were... HK subs. More importantly MI subs. They at times showed a mastering of the English language, and at times... well, I have an editorial nature, and their subs sometimes make me want to hurt something. Story line was subbed fine, it's just the occasional Engrish gibberish that gets in the way of me digging it too much. -- Presentation was dope. I like the reversable cover quite a bit. --On the whole, not a bad package, but if you're looking to get something better than the MI release, or if you were just a casual LH viewer, spend you money on something better. **edit on Sep 11** I watched this on my friend's NICE tv today... Video is still awesome, sound's fine on his Surround sound, and It's pretty much like I thought. Sub are occasionally whacked out, but it's Hong-Kong, whatcha gonna do. And it ran me 12.00 USD, so who'm I to complain, right? A crotchety old bastard. Anyway, I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase if you love Love Hina (that sounds awful, what have I done to the English language?). If you weren't that big of a fan, don't bother, you'll be happier to let the series end at the end of the Spring Special. Or better yet, the X-mas special. edited by ragnorokk on 11 Sep 2002 10:53 pm
Level: 5
Reviews: 42
Experience: 27,496
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06 Sep 2002 06:39:42
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
Excellent video. No faults but the typical flickering at the bottom of the screen.
Excellent stereo.
Excellent stereo.
A nearly perfect disc. If you liked Love Hina TV + Specials, this OVA will finally give you some kind of ending to the story. The humor is slightly naughtier in this set and gives you a good dose of fanservice. Highly recommended!

NOTE: This disc is just the MI disc repackaged, so all ratings are valid for the MI version too.
BeardFan from
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23 Jun 2002 08:11:06
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
I laughed out loud when the Manga email and URL popped up in the beginning. FX, you do us proud :) Great release though. The video gets a 5 for being PERFECT. No ghosting in even the busiest and fastest moving frames. PERFECT. Great audio too. Surround sound coming through on my back speakers for a great effect (don't know if it's 5.1 or not.. but is sounds glorious). Subs are just as good as MI's original Love Hina release. Some spelling mistakes (and imortant letters and text aren't translated), but good fansub script none-the-less. If you have the series and the first OAVs, then get this now!
Level: 5
Reviews: 40
Experience: 31,063
This review has not been rated yet.
11 Jun 2002 14:23:48
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
The disc is actually MI's version in Fx's cooler looking case...with reversible cover and all. The video quality is just great. Had no problems whatsoever. 4.5/5 The audio quality is fine the way it is. Didn't need to watch this with 5.1 so the rear speakers were off. 4/5 The subs were very good. There were a few typos here and there and very very minor timing problems in a few lines but it was negligible. English was good except for a couple lines that were a little confusing, maybe it was written that way. 4/5 The content of the OVA itself was a little weak compared to what we've seen so far. I expected a little better but it's still a must see if you like Love Hina.
Level: 2
Reviews: 17
Experience: 6,902
100% (1) found this review useful
26 May 2002 01:38:37