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Reviews for Rurouni Kenshin - Seisouhen
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 3.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
video was great .... very good quality ... nothing really wrong at all
audio was great... really good audio.... yeah the best audio could get
audio was great... really good audio.... yeah the best audio could get
loved seisouhen, has mix of all types of genres .. with great video,audio, and decent subtitle you'll want to watch it over and over again
Level: 1
Reviews: 2
Experience: 577
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27 Feb 2004 17:58:55
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.7 out of 0
i absolutely loved this!! I was not a huge fan of the series, but this sparked a love for it, it is excellent...heres the breakdown... Video (5/5) excellent! Sound (5/5) excellent! Subtitles (4/5) a few typos, but nothing that makes it hard to watch.... Extras (4/5) an interview!! too bad no subtitles though....:( Packaging (3/5) standard case with pictures, i wish it came with a chapter list on the inside though..... Overall (4.5/5)this is awesome! the subtitles and packaging were the only issues i found, and they were very minor at that, anyone who has seen a fair amount of the series and the OAV should defenitely watch it, its worth it..... the ending made me almost cry, something i rarely do....
Level: 1
Reviews: 4
Experience: 1,110
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18 Oct 2002 00:04:52
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.8 out of 0
Video Cons: Pros: -true anomorphic widescreen. -dvd rip. Subs Cons: -mild typos Pros: -no major problems Extras Cons: Pros: -with seiyuu interview Notes: Recommended? Yes
Level: 1
Reviews: 5
Experience: 2,137
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06 Sep 2002 06:50:16
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Great Video
Great Audio
Great Audio
I've only watched a couple of minutes to check the quality, but I'd say that it's a safe buy
Jonathan Söderström from
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01 Aug 2002 02:49:20
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.5 out of 0
Rating of 3.5 out of 0
Rating of 4.2 out of 0
The reviews of this two-part OAV have been mixed in terms of the quality of the anime....I'm on the "this is garbage" side of the mix. My breakdown: Video (4.5/5): The video on this release is anamorphic widescreen and it is great. There are some slightly talked about green lines in some of the darker sequences but nothing particularly noticeable in my opinion. This anime in particular needs a good rip and it got it. Audio (4.5/5.0): Again, DVD quality audio at its best in this case....maybe a little too loud but it's just a nitpick and might be more setup dependant. Great. Subtitles (3.5/5.0): Pretty good overall, though there are a few typoes/misspellings and the translation is lacking slightly at points. Character names are correct and decent overall though. Extras (3/5): Interviews with cast and crew.......unsubbed. Most HK DVD don't have interviews period though so I'll be generous. Quality of Anime (1/5): Having seen the entire TV series, read all the manga, and having seen the prequel OVAs I was expecting a lot from this anime. Ideally I would have liked for them to make this a proper translation of the Jinchuu arc of the manga by going with a 4 or 5 part OVA. But instead they opted for something different, a jumbled/confused/confusing retelling of the entire series in 30 minutes in the first OVA and a 5 minute butchering of the Jinchuu arc in the second OVA following up with a lame story about Kenshin's son, Kenji, and his fight with Yahiko, and finally, the very weak tragic/happy ending. I tried to think of this from the perspective of standing alone from the TV series and the Manga, and if I judge it like that, the OVA makes no sense without a background in the series or manga and is garbage. And if I judge it from a standpoint of the experienced Kenshin viewer, I can't see how it can be anything else but a garbaged rehash of the series in the first OVA, and an equally mangled Jinchuu arc/Kenji and Yahiko storyline in the second. The only reason this anime even merits a star from me is because the soundtrack is great, the art is great, and when they animate the fight sequences between Kenshin and Jin-e, Kenshin and Enishi, and lastly, Kenji and Yahiko the animation is superb for the 2 minutes worth of fighting for these three "epic fights" combined. The tragic ending offends me so much as to compare it to a bad soap opera, something I never imagined I'd say with Kenshin. So finally, nothing wrong with video, audio, etc, if only the OVAs weren't utterly pathetic this would be a good release.
Level: 2
Reviews: 6
Experience: 7,836
100% (1) found this review useful
27 Jul 2002 06:03:34
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 3.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Video: green anime-cartoon website and email address was embedded in the video and not as caption. manga international logo was flashed 8(?) times throughout the 2 episodes. there was also a fast and slight video skip/overlap on one scene. minus these it was nearly flawless. it's also in true anomorphic. Score:4/5 Audio: i'm not much of an audio god but i found the sound flawless Score: 5/5 Subtitles: a few engrish and mis-timed subs here and there. Score: 3/5 Packaging: it was a plain black plastic dvd box with the seisouhen cover. the box had the Video Animation logo which looks exactly like the Anime Cartoon logo except that it's red. Score: 2/5 Menus/Extra: menu were good. the extras (interview of voice actors/actresses) was a useless addition because thee were no subtitles (english or otherwise). Score: 4/5 i haven't seen the previous oavs so i was kind-of in the dark on what was happening. the first was basically a bunch of flash backs (which is great. the fight-scene with Jinnai (hypnotize guy) is a classic).the second part was even better and depressing. the ending still leaves that sad feeling in my gut after 4 hours of watching it. i never felt like this on any film (anime or otherwise) i've seen. the art and mood is unlike the tv-series. very serious and very bleak. conclusion: this should be on any anime dvd collection. a true classic.
Level: 1
Reviews: 5
Experience: 2,137
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12 Jul 2002 15:47:46
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Video: Very Good Audio Very Good Subs: Very Good Extras: Okay (unsubbed Interviews) Package: Very Good (standard plastic DVD box with pictures) Content: Excellent This DVD is a great way to enjoy this OVA set. These two episodes finally provide a decent ending the the Rurouni Kenshin Anime. For those who saw episode 94 know that it only finished that season not the series, and those who saw the straight to video epidsode 95 knwo that it was a really crappy way to end the series without really ending it. These OVAs finally do justice to RK and end the series right. Some people don't like these though because the first OVA and half of the second is almost all flash backs. However it all blends together in the end to provide a great ending.
Level: 2
Reviews: 12
Experience: 6,879
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05 May 2002 23:33:54
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 5.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.3 out of 0
Some people hate this OAV, but I loved it. The end almost made me cry... *sniff* *sniff* Video quality- Good R2 rip, there is a little grain here and there and the green line thing, but overall it's great. Audio quality- Sounds awesome, everything is nice & crisp. Subtitles- I'm not sure if these are fansubs or not, but they are great. there are a couple timing errors in the second episode, but they are great overall. I'll be getting the R1 ADV release too, but to anyone who can't wait like I couldn't. Grab this DVD!
Level: 3
Reviews: 19
Experience: 13,390
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27 Apr 2002 05:22:04
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Rating of 4.0 out of 0
Video : R2 DVD rip. Very clear 'n all that, but the're some little compression artifacts, like grain, and some 'green lines' (video disortion?) through the screen. This is mostly noticable on dark scenes (example : Fight w/ Jin E). Edit: Btw. it is TRUE ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN !16:9 ! Audio: It looks like it's recorded a bit too loud, but after a few minutes you'll get used to it. Nothing to worry about. Subs: Episode 1 are Fanusbs for sure. If the fansubs themselfes weren't that bad, these were perfect. Overall they're still pretty good with some timing problems. Episode 2. I haven't watched a lot of this, but from what I've seen either fansubs, or VERY GOOD HK originals. Extra: Just checked the fansubs, and they're a 100% rip of the fansub, episode 1 is ripped from the notADV fansubs, wich have pretty bad translation, but ep2 is traken from the other Digisubs, with were quite good. The only problem are some minor typo's in ep2, and some timing in ep1. That's all. Overall : Recommended, till ADV disc is out, I'll still get that.
Level: 8
Reviews: 51
Experience: 109,542
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26 Apr 2002 07:31:19