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OK, I just got mine. I don't know why people are going around saying these are the worst subtitles they've ever seen and couldn't understand a bit. They're not, so far. I've watched the first 2 discs of the show. The subtitles are perfectly understandable. As a matter of fact, they're are probably better then most HK subs. Peopel calling these Engrish and stuff have it wrong.
There are hardly any name changes, unlike the review says. it states names are the CHinese ones. Few of them are. Practically all the main cast's names are correct. I'd say 90% are. Kakazaki's got screwed and Misa's is wierd (it's sort of correct). And then there's the mispelling of names, but those are easy to understand too.
I'd just thought I'd clear this up. I'll right a full review for it when I'm done, but the I think the reviews on this site don't give this release enough credit. Hell, they even sub the opening song with awesome English lyrics.
Just wanted to clear that up. And one more thing. Macross's credits are the freakiest thing I have ever seen in an anime.
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nice, well hopefully the quality wont take a turn for the worst as you watch further on. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......
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I just finished Disc 3, subs are the same quality. I blew off all plans tonight to finish watching this series. It's SOOOOOO good ^_^
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nice, I will have to read your review, and possibly purchase it since I currently only own the dub only R1s. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......
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Is the Robotech 3 disc sets the same as the ~Animego ones except dubbed?
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First thing first. Yakumo, no, Robotech is not just Macross dubbed. It's pretty much one of those cut up jobs you'd see on Fox of Kids WB. Some name changes, story change to combine two other sereis with it, edits, etc.
I finished the sereis  Sub quality is the same through out the whole series: great! Perhaps I got a new version they released or something, but I don't see what people are talking about with all this impossible to read stuff. It was great release.
I wrote a review. SHould be up by tomorrow morning if it's OK  My set was the one by Anime Cartoon Int. (MAC, right?) if you're wondering which to pick up. Got it off, too 
I just have to add, too, this has to be one of the greatest animes, if not, shows I have ever seen in my life.
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nice its tomorow morning and I will be checking out your review, vinny. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......
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ONe question. It's to late now I guess, but Anime Cartoon Int., are they MAC or MI?
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hmmmmm, wierd, go to search and then make it say anime dvds, and see the different companies
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......
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People at ArticNightfall are saying AC now is called MI. Oops ^_^'''
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yeah, but there is also that wierd thing that says mac-ac, oh well... :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......