R1 vs. HK
I saw the 1st disc to DNA2. It was pretty good if you want something a little different but still very funny. You should definitely pick it up.
Yeah, I'll most probably get the first 2 volumes. I've got to change my previous order so I can still use the coupon, its only good once but all you got to do is create a new account with a another email address, hehe. Its a bit of a pain though cause I got to wait till april to get everthing in.
You should pick up Noir also. I just saw that, and it's 1 of the few new releases that I'd highly recommend.
I didn't care too much for Noir, the 1st episode was pretty cool but then it slows down a bit but I've only seen up to episode 6.
I saw the 1st 5 episodes. I loved the backgrounds on it and the music and sound on it was pretty good as well. I don't see how it's slowing down if there's gunfights in every episode. Only thing that worries me is I hope they don't start psychoanalyzing their pasts. I hope it stays more action oriented for the entire run of the series. I loved the series so far and am going to have to pick it up soon.
Quote:Originally posted by "Vicious"

I saw the 1st disc to DNA2. It was pretty good if you want something a little different but still very funny. You should definitely pick it up.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
OptimisticOx check ya pm Tongue
Quote:Originally posted by "OptimisticOx"

Vicious Wrote:I saw the 1st disc to DNA2. It was pretty good if you want something a little different but still very funny. You should definitely pick it up.

how is it? I downloaded the first episode but how is the rest?

ok I am kinda out of it right now, i just want to know how the rest of the episodes are vicious, and I accidently quoted myself instead of edtiting it and I will check my PMs after this.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I liked it. It was a romantic comedy type, except the plot had a little twist to it with the "mega playboy gene" thing going on. It was pretty funny through the 1st 3 or 4 episodes that were on that disc.
nice, I may buy the HK set some time, i am not that into the romance genre but I think that DNA may prove enjoyable. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I read the reivews for the HK set, the quality doesnt sound to great especially in the video and audio department, sounds like a VHS rip. The subs seem pretty good.

I think I'm gonna go R1 for this series since I can get them cheap on the net.
yeah, amazon.ca, I might check it out sometime. :wink: altough I am not canadian Sad :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
At least you won't have to pay taxes like I do Confusedweatdrop:, so that will even out the free shipping I'm getting. And don't forget the coupons
yeah, I should am getting my new dvd player pretty soon, R0 will be nice that way if(hopefully replace if with when) I learn japanese and visit japan i can go on a huge shopping spree and buy all the goods you cant find here or online.

and something weird keeps happening, I go on here and it says

phpBB : Critical Error
Could not connect to the database

but then I just go back and try again and it works, but then I go to the next link and the same thing happens so I go back and try again and it works, oh well I guess my computer is just screwed up I have had numurous problems with these boards....
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Just to add my two cents worth on this topic.
I've noticed that the quality of picture on most DVDs is also dependant on what sort of machine you're watching them on.
When I watch vids (R1 and HK) on my PS2, I tend to notice a fair amount of pixelation unless it is a top notch release. When I watch them on my Panasonic DVD player, everything runs very well regardless of how good the encoding is. For instance, the Bebop Perfect collection... there is a lot of pixelation (and occasional freezing even) when I play these DVDs on my PS2 but they are as clear as the R1s when I play them on my Panasonic.

When buying a player, it's worth spending the extra money.

In response to the Noir thread that started a while back. The first episode is the best, hands down. Each successive episode gets just a bit weaker, spiraling downward with long flashbacks all the time (the same flashback in many cases) and rougher and rougher artwork. I say you should watch the first half of the series then dream at how good it could be for the rest. :mrgreen:
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