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I just sprained my ankle in gym and have been limping around all day and I just wanted to know what all of your worst injuries have been...
I think that there has beena thread like this in the past that kinda went through this but I thought that I would renew it with this new topic as I rolled an ace bandage around my damaged ankle.
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I think the worst think to happen to me was either have my k-9 teeth come through my lip, or having my toe caught in the chain of an exorcie bicycle (you know the ones that don't go anywhere).
Also, get well soon! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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thanks... for now I will just have to go on the computer... that and work on a research paper.
I havnt had many bad injuries but I think the coolest one was this:
I was about 12 and my friends and I used to play bike tag, a game where you chase eachother on bikes attempting to tag them. ofcourse things never end up well. two of my friends where racing and they colided and were sliding on the pavement when I suddenly hit them. I flew of instantly doing about 1 1/2 back flips in the air until I landed on, now three bikes and my two friends laying on the payvment in one large heap. luckily the soft bodies of my two buddies broke my fall, and I remaned reletivly unharmed. (although I cant say the same for my friends :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )
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Sounds fun,y only things like that I've done & got hurt in was jumping from a moving golf cart. My friend was drivinfater when I jumpped out then the others, & I said I wasn't going to roll. BAD IDEA! my feet flew up above my head, & I slammed my back on the ground. Then I just got back up they pulled back up to me. The coolest jump of the day. Mainly because one of them jumpped, & rolled, while the other just kind went slow & stepped out while they weren't going real fast.
Given te chance to redo the jump I would still plant my feet in the ground, watching my feet sticking up towards the sky was fun. But, next time I will roll.
God I hate how slow my computer is it doesn't type out everything I do
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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yeah, for me its slidding all the way, except when you cant slide that is.... then you just fall on your face. :mrgreen:
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Another time close to that wwould have to be when I hit the front brakes on the bicycle, & I was on a rocky road.
Another less on subject would be the time I fell up the stairs 3 times in a row on the same set of stairs, it didn't hurt or anything, but it was bleeding.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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yeah, I remember when I was in 4th grade me and my friend were really into skate boarding, so we greased up our weels and decieded to go down the longest steapest hill in town. so we went down and somewhere when I was coasting along my board began to swivel from side to site until I decieded to jump, so I did, and meaning to role I did not instead I slid on my side. it hurt a tun and I had baseball size scabs on my elbos and knees for about two weeks. still have some scars I think. :mrgreen:
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I fractured my left eye socket on New Years, I still see a bit of double
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I snapped my shin in half my left foot twisted all the way around 360 degrees. It also tore ligaments, and I was in a cast for about three months. Not fun.
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We had this thread when I broke my foot.
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yeah, ow! damaged eye socket, twisted foot, beats my story, but how many of you have had cooler stories than mine, doing 1 1/2 back flips in mid air was really fun, that is until I hit. :lol:
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Yep. Any better?
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how was your foot turned around? you really didnt go into details... or is that a good thing.
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I playfully jumped to the ground, and had a fatass tumble over it, and then it turned all the way around. Funny thing is I thought it was just a sprain, until I tried to stand on it.  weatdrop:
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ouch, I have never broken a bone so I cannot say much but scrapes and spraines, but I am pretty sure that is good. although chicks do dig scars right?
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......