Evangelion Perfect Collection
This was posted by Duragon at Arctic Nightfall.

Quote:Hey guys, just got my EVA Perfect in the mail this morning and have started to watch some of it.

Here's my impressions so far:

- Video quality is just about on par with the R1's. There's practically no macroblocking or compression issues which is suprising considering the high amount of eps on the disc. Visually this is one of the best rips I have seen to date.
- The set has extras. Stuff like character bios and things like that are found on the first disc. I haven't seen the other discs yet but I reckon they will have extras too.
- Menu's are fully animated and gorgeous to look at.
- Soundtrack 'appears' to be in 2.0 Stereo and 5.1 Stereo tracks respectively.
- Packaging is the usual gatefold job except it has lovely EVA stills imprinted on the inside and front cover. I tried looking for the usual HK company markings too and I could find none. I'm near enough 99% sure that this isn't FX since it doesn't carry their emblem anywhere, doesn't have their usual contents list on the back of the box and has a higher encoding than most FX titles i've seen.

So far, it's a truly awesome set. Whoever ripped it is a genius.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Is it really that good? Where can I get it? And for how much?
Yeah whoever ripped it was a genius. Jeez, how hard is it to freakin' rip something. We've all done it before. Maybe they took their time to do it, but that shows they care. Definitely not a sign of brilliance. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Its $45, thats a bargain, a steal, deal of the century....

Escaflowne is much better I feel thought :mrgreen:
Excellent. An R1 rip, with the movies Smile Guess what's going up on my trade list tonight Smile
[Image: Cast7.txt]
I haven't watched a ton, but so far my experience has been the exact same. Whoever this new company is, I hope we see a lot more from them.
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5

Hmm..although this may not be much help..someone posted up a little review of the movies on animeniacs...
I still wonder if I should sell my R1s and get this set..I probable won't but still..hmm..
~Deep Inside My Happiness There Is Sadness Yearning To Burst
It is a fantastic set. Yeah I think I went a bit a overboard with my 'genius' remark, :wink: but it really is a superb set and quite likely the best HK set i've seen.

Period. :mrgreen:

Oh yeah, it only has 2.0 track since the 5.1 has yet to be released. My bad guys Confusedweatdrop: .
Welcome to my world.
No problem, Duragon ^_^ Thanks for the review
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Whoever has an R1 set keep it. Hell, I'll buy your R1 set for $51, so you can have the the price of the TV set, plus the movies, plus shipping from Animeniacs.com. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
The remaster of the Eva sereis is the first time Eva has 5.1. From what I read, Anno doesn't really like 5.1 for some reason.
[Image: Cast7.txt]
No offers? Sad
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
sorry, I'm keeping my R1's. The only time I ever got rid of R1's was when I got the Cowboy bebop Perfet collection by FX. But then I changed my mind and shelled out for The official Perfect Sessions. Never again will i sell my R1's to make place for HK.
That's the way it should be. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I've gotten a lot farther into this series, and it truly is near perfect. Go out and get it now! =)

Btw, my topics have a nasty habit of disappearing, anyone know where Excel Saga went?
o-('-')-o HuG
|)0Y: 1337 5p34k 4n0nyM0u5

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