yes the devs all mostly play horde anyways. Though on our server Alliance wins AV most of the time. Horde had us all the way back into our bunker and we ninja'ed everything down to there's and then got there grave yard. Boom it was now us pushing into there main base. I bet those are moral killers.
lol yea... that was 8h30min AV for Schultz!

I play with Schultz on Thunderlord, 60 warrior and 60 priest, Schultz priest been 60 for a week now or so too...

and yea alliance on our server used to whipe the floor with horde in AV non stop, since 1.10 horde grew a backbone or something so the 2h AVs becoming more rare, I been in some AVs that were going on for 5h already and it was still battle in the middle, either Alliance has Frostwolf or horde...

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