Let?s march to Washington.
gubi-gubi Wrote:It's the religious mentality America has that makes it seem so ridiculous. Religion has no place in the running of a modern country. 98% of Americans believe in God and it's difficult for athiests to express their views without fear of losing their jobs etc. All you are left with is an American taliban.

true. and isn't america supposed to have a separation of church and state? and all this talk about being a patriot. remember the McCarthy era? o what? you don't think like us, you must be a communist and communist are our enemies. o what? the us government is reading the communist manifesto over the airwaves to russians so they know what communism really is? well that's just supporting communism we can't do that. and now it's the same thing. o what? you don't think like us, you must be a terrorist. the government is just using this as a means to control the masses. there is a difference between being patriotic and being idiotic. you know what i think is patriotic? it's trying to stop the country i love from becoming any worse than it already is. it's recognizing mistakes and corruption and standing up and demanding corection. it's not standing back and watching the government go to shit and letting people in charge commit crimes with impunity and saying o, well i'm patriotic so i support the country no matter what.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
We take seperation of church and state much much farthur than was originally intended. It's retarded. The founding fathers would probably be very surprised if they could see how the U.S. government ran nowadays.

And talking about our country so long ago is kinda pointless. Hell most the countries of the world didn't even exist when we were fighting communism back then. I just don't understand why people are so antipatriotic... seems like just another reason to hate the U.S. to me. Seems rather lame.
o please, did you even read what i said? hate america, no. if i hated america i wouldn't be here. when a person you love is an alcoholic, or addicted to drugs or is ruining their life in any way do you just tell them to piss off and have nothing to do with them? or do you try and help them? and how do you go from talking about the founding father's and their intentions, to saying that the McCarthy Era was so long ago it's pointless to talk about? how can you say it's pointless to talk about the past? it's what has shaped this future. being antipatriotic is sitting and watching your country go down the drain and not doing anything about it.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
1) I was drunk when I was posting last night. I'm surprised my grammer wasn't worse lol. And I understand what you're saying, but I still think that looking at our country in the past has little to do with the here and now. It's not entirely pointless, but concerning our discussion here I don't think it's very relavent.
lol drunk posting strikes again. but even so, we our country is the way it is today because of events that happened in the past. and many country that are around now were formed due to the conflicting super powers of the united states and the soviet union, aka capitalism and communism. also it is important to look at situations and instances to understand some aspects of the present and the best way to handle giving situations. i'm sure we've all heard that history repeats itself. i found something that benjamin franklin said to be pretty interesting concerning the loss of our rights. he says that if you give up freedom for safety, you will have neither.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo

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