I'm sick of this sh**. Seriously, how much is the U.S. government going to take away from it's citizens before it's people realized they have no rights left? It started with Eminent Domain, then Bush was illegally tapping phones lines with out a warrant. Now, it is apparently illegal to "annoy" people on the internet, and if you do, you go to jail (First link). And now, the Bush administration wants to see the search records of most of the popular search sites (Second link). Yahoo caved, MSN wouldn't comment (Meaning they gave in as well), and I believe I have seen and unconfirmed report that so did AOL. That leaves Google which actually has the balls to fight the good fight. I have totally lost faith in our president, nay, our whole damn government doing ANYTHING right. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
seriously, i've been saying this for almost three years and now people are starting to notice. the government here is really messed up and largely controlled by coporations. did you notice when the oil company farts were brought before congress, they weren't sworn in, but the freaking ball player was? wtf is that about. did anyone see that frontline recently about the all the torture that's been going on? it's really sick. the scary thing is that before my grandfather passed away, he was saying that he was scared, that this reminded him a lot of germany as hitler was taking power. for someone who was there and lived through that to say it reminded them of it, that really worries me.
The more damage I see Bush do to constitutional rights the happier I am that I moved north (east actually) to Canada. While the "war on terrorism" has been used to invade personal privacy and terrorize the American public Canada has been pushing human rights forward and promoting a more tolerant life style.
I'm glad to see that other people are looking at the Nazi party's rise to power as being similar to the actions the Republican party has been taking for the past ten years. It's very easy to point at one figure head as being the bad guy but it takes a network of people supporting them for it to have any effect. I'm truly afraid of Bush's network of people.
Homeless Joe Wrote:before my grandfather passed away, he was saying that he was scared, that this reminded him a lot of germany as hitler was taking power. for someone who was there and lived through that to say it reminded them of it, that really worries me.
Google the links between the skull and bones and Hitler. Bush is also part of the skull and bones (Kerry aswell).
Ah what the fuck this proves it the U.S. is screwed. I knew Bush getting in would truly screw this country. Everything will annoy someone it's obvious and I hope Google continues to fight the government this is bullshit. :mad: Blight I agree with you there but I lost faith in our government a long time ago the constitution has basically become the equivalent of a placemat or a napkin.
I don't have much of a problem with most of what Bush does. I think it's funny so many people do have problems with it. Do you think you're actually important enough for the government to listen in on your phone conversations? Do you think the government will care what you've been looking up on the search engines? Unless you're doing really illegal things it really shouldn't matter.
Wow dude, you must really think personal freedoms suck or something. First off, I doubt my phone will be tapped ever, but what you’re saying is just because it isn’t happening to
ME I shouldn’t give a damn if other people’s rights are being violated. That is bull duce. Plus you seem to be forgetting if they get away with it in one persons case, we are all screwed. Second, they have no right to those search records. What about the searches from other countries? If you think that our government has the right to look at the searches made by people not under our ever-growing big brother eyes, then something is just plain wrong with you. The Government has not the right to that information. It doesn’t matter if people have done stuff wrong or not, they should have to keep their damn noses out of it in the first place. You have to be a fan of big government, or the meaning of that big “R” carved on your chest has changed from “Republican” to “Retard.” And I assume you have forgotten this abysmal “annoying” law as well since you didn't even mention it. You know what I find funny? How easily a fool hands over what is truly precious in his life with total ignorance and apathy.
This is truly the direction I think our country is heading.
![[Image: great-republicans.jpg]](http://www.amuseyourself.com/blog/images/great-republicans.jpg)
I am actually a fan of big government. I think people have too many rights that interfere with police doing their jobs properly for example.
And if that's the same "annoying" law that I read about before (i obviously didn't read the link) then it's pretty much another measure to try to stop stalkers, who I think should be shot in the head anyways. I fucking hate people like that.
Also, Bush had to pass that into law or else he would have to send back a massive stack of other laws he wanted passed. He didn't even support it. Should probably learn a little more about how things like that work before you decide you hate someone for passing it. This is assuming it's the same law, which i'm sure it is.
By the way both lincoln and reagan were hated in their time. Bush will probably be remembered as a great president in the future too...
Cidien Wrote:By the way both lincoln and reagan were hated in their time. Bush will probably be remembered as a great president in the future too...
i doubt that. he may be potrayed as a hero by the big brother 1984 type government but that's the only way i see him being remembered as great. he led us into a war based on lies and now our freedoms our continually being striped away while at the same time we torture prisoners of war and turn the rest of the world against us. we invade a country without the support of the un something we, as part of the un, had punished other countries for doing. this administration has strengthened us oposition throughout the world with its actions and most people don't care or just sit back and believe what they are told blindly. if things continue this way i can't see a bright future ahead.
Cidien Wrote:By the way both lincoln and reagan were hated in their time.
I am interested to know where you get your information about presidents being hated. A very simple search turned up presidential approval ratings going back to Eisenhower's era and shows that Reagan was second in popularity only to Clinton in that time. The only president in the time that this statistic has been tracked to be disapproved of more than the current president Bush was president Nixon.
Read the numbers for yourself here
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/11/0...5327.shtml and see what you think.
As for the popularity of Lincoln in his day it is true that a great number of former slave owners disliked him but the emancipation of slaves was a great triumph of human rights and he was generally hailed in the north for his forward vision. Actual numbers couldn't be tracked back then and the country had just gone through a civil war so it's natural that the people in the south would not like having been defeated in that war. There are still areas of the US that hate the confederates and wear the "stars and bars" with pride.
I find it hard to argue with someone who makes up facts that sound good in the hope of supporting an unsupportable argument.
Cidien Wrote:Also, Bush had to pass that into law or else he would have to send back a massive stack of other laws he wanted passed. He didn't even support it. Should probably learn a little more about how things like that work before you decide you hate someone for passing it. This is assuming it's the same law, which i'm sure it is.
Who cares if he passed it or not the law is pathetic. If the American government wants to waste time passing laws that stop things like the flame forum here for example (which would mean you have broken the law with your post about kureejiieshi) then they obviously have to much time on their hands and need to get their priorities in order.
Cidien Wrote:Also, Bush had to pass that into law or else he would have to send back a massive stack of other laws he wanted passed. He didn't even support it. Should probably learn a little more about how things like that work before you decide you hate someone for passing it. This is assuming it's the same law, which i'm sure it is.
No, you miss the point again. I'm pissed at congress for trying to sneak that BS in to the bill in the first place. It wasn’t apparently part of the bill at the time it passed through the House of Rep, meaning it was slapped on by the Senate and rushed off to be signed with out it making any waves. Making concessions while passing bills, trading one law to get another, that happens all the time. However just because you pass the bill doesn't mean that part of the law has to be enforced. If you had taken the time to read the link you would have seen this that very clearly points out the opportunity that Bush now has to show his true colors. Read:
"If President Bush truly believed in the principle of limited government (it is in his official bio), he'd realize that the law he signed cannot be squared with the Constitution he swore to uphold.
And then he'd repeat what President Clinton did a decade ago when he felt compelled to sign a massive telecommunications law. Clinton realized that the section of the law punishing abortion-related material on the Internet was unconstitutional, and he directed the Justice Department not to enforce it."
I just have to add people like you truly mystify me. People having too many rights? Yeah F***ing right. You sound like Denny Crane off of Boston legal. I find it truly hard to wrap my mind around someone that actually wants Big Government. Holy S***.
Blight Wrote:I'm sick of this sh**. Seriously, how much is the U.S. government going to take away from it's citizens before it's people realized they have no rights left? It started with Eminent Domain, then Bush was illegally tapping phones lines with out a warrant. Now, it is apparently illegal to "annoy" people on the internet, and if you do, you go to jail (First link). And now, the Bush administration wants to see the search records of most of the popular search sites (Second link). Yahoo caved, MSN wouldn't comment (Meaning they gave in as well), and I believe I have seen and unconfirmed report that so did AOL. That leaves Google which actually has the balls to fight the good fight. I have totally lost faith in our president, nay, our whole damn government doing ANYTHING right. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Allright i am not going to read all the posts from your first topic i don't have time. But i will state this one thing. You are WAY over reacting to the Google thing. Yahoo, MSN, AOL gave up Information about "how many times this terms was searched" NOT who searched for them. They gave information which has no personal information at all or a risk to any users. Google is fighting this just to try to make there image look better when either way they are still not giving up personal information. Don't get me wrong about google i have loved almost everything google has put out but this is a tatic to make them look good when what they fighting with doesn't invade privacy rights.
And btw since you getting vocal about bush. Why don't you start reading what the RIAA and MPAA and trying to get passed through congress. Bills that take away consumer rights to where you have nothing at all. Also Europe is having it bad right now with alot of laws trying to be passed to restrict consumer rights.. And i don't think you would like to hear JJ go off about Laws and Taxes and government in Canada. Considering the Canadian gov scandles with money and such.
Here link to RIAA proposed
basically think this.
where you can't move content unless using authorized devices, and where any use not foreseen at creation time is illegal.
So anything not out at time of creation and something new comes out its illegal to put it onto it. So its like trying to transfer Tapes to Cd's for own use would be illegal.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Who cares if he passed it or not the law is pathetic. If the American government wants to waste time passing laws that stop things like the flame forum here for example (which would mean you have broken the law with your post about kureejiieshi) then they obviously have to much time on their hands and need to get their priorities in order.
Um, according to the new law I didn't do anything wrong in the flame forum. You should go read it. And if you want to say the american government fine, but don't hate Bush because he was pretty much forced to pass it.
And I got that information from the history channel and my mom, who was a Reagan supporter and hated by many democrats at the time. She said it was actually worse, because people hate was often more intense. Now it's mostly just "cool" to hate Bush. I'd say 9/10 people I meet that hate Bush don't have a damn clue why they hate him.
So, I wasn't just making up facts, but if I was mistaken I appologize.....
And Lincoln was quite hated in his time. The south hated him for obvious reasons and many in the north hated him for ignoring the constitution.