I hate you, you S.O.B.
Blight Wrote:That is kinda my point. Those are horrible premises for a movie. So is Castlevania. I mean, no one but fans are going to get what the hell he is doing fighting a Vampire with a whip for. Unless they take that out and that would just stupid. Yes I know there are different characters in a couple of the games, but if you were to take a stab at trying to tell a Castlevania story to the public, you better stick with the first string. But short of being NOT a movie about Castlevania characters, it will be a very predictable vampire movie and boring as hell.

I might be a little harsh on the guy, but Event Horizon was a crappy movie, and Solider was just annoying for the most part. The other movies may have had bad writing/concept, but that is why you don?t jump on a boat that?s full of holes. Plus look at his next work:


That looks like a jewel to me.Rolleyes

Wonderful im sure movie goers will be jumping for joy trying to contain their excitementRolleyes
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Blight Wrote:Paul W.S. Anderson that is. He is the jerk who made the Resident Evil Movies and AvP. Now he is going to direct the Castlevania movie. First of all, why does their have to be a movie? And second, why did they have to get that jackass to make it. Why oh why?!

First with all the sequels, prequals ect ect you can understand hollywood is tapped of original ideas (we have had this discussion before) so they steal them from anywhere they can
As far as Anderson he probably makes the movies within the budget he is allowed and doesent try to put to much time or energy into the films
He strikes me as a Director hollywood executives love because he does what they want uses the actors they want so on and so forth.
You never saw the greats settling for what they were given ie see( Cameron, Hitchcock, Kuberick, Emmerick)
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Cidien Wrote:What more could you have possibly wanted out of a resident evil movie?
Carlos not to die in the second moive before I even realised why I knew his name >.>

Cidien Wrote:I wanted to see an all out war too. That's why I liked it better the second time I knew what to expect.

Ok, let me get this straight, you lowered your expectations of the movie so that it would seem better than you really thought it was? ?>.<? WHY? If a movie sucks are you supposed to go into the theatre hoping to see a s***ty film?

Ehh, this ain't exactly the freshist news, so I've already gotten over the shock & came to realise that the movie will likely suck...But I've hope...er, ok honestly I don't -_-
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Ok, i'll throw in my 2 cents.

Event horizon and Mortal kombat rocked in my book. Both very entertaining movies.

The RE movie (only seen the first one) totaly sucks if your not a RE gamer. I wasn't when I saw them and me and my friends thought it was the worst horror movie of the year. The charrecters, the directing, the story or lack thereoff and especially the ending, it all sucked in my eyes. Not a clue what was going on and then it ended.

Succes of the Castlevania movie will rely on the script, not the director since he's the kind of guy who just does what he's told by the big movie execs. You can go alot of ways with the franchise and I could think of a castlevania movie I'd like to see. I'll reserve judgement and will watch it when out.
I didn't really lower my expectations, I changed them. It's just like Jarhead. It's a great movie, but if you go into expecting a combat movie you're going to be dissapointed.

And Bloodrayne would make a f'n awesome movie if they did it right. A vampire chick with cool weapons killing nazis? How can you think that's a bad movie!? =P
Cidien Wrote:Why don't you like him? The AvP movie wasn't that bad. It wasn't what I wanted but the second time I watched it I liked it much better. And the resident evil movies are fucking awesome. Especially the first one. What more could you have possibly wanted out of a resident evil movie?

How about....

-Having more than one enemy, the first one was alll zombie

-Following the game plot ( the first one branched off with some bull shit conspiracy)

-Actually using the setting of the first RE game, WHERE THE HELL WAS THE MANSION!!!

-Actually using the same characters from the game


I havn't seen the second one though so yeah all of this may not apply to it butttt.....

If all you want out of a movie game adaptation is the game on the big screen then make your own movies because that would blow. So what that re1 had only minimal stuff from the game, and it had a licker that transformed as well,
besides I thought re2 was completely boring because from the very begining I knew who would live and die and the fight with nemesis was crap and the zombies were no longer a threat to main characters just side characters.

We have already done all that stuff in the games who needs it all over again in the movie. If you just follow the game totally then anyone who has played it will sit there bored knowing everything thats going to happen.
geo85 Wrote:We have already done all that stuff in the games who needs it all over again in the movie. If you just follow the game totally then anyone who has played it will sit there bored knowing everything thats going to happen.

Your argument is severely flawed. If what you are saying was true, then all book to movie adaptations careen into that same pitfall. It would also mean that making an anime from a manga would be pointless, because we could, and I stress could, have already read it. Sin City was a great movie, and from what I hear, it was the three graphic novel stories almost perfectly reproduced.

There has never been a video game movie that perfectly retold a video game story. You know why? They pick games that have no story, but are really popular instead. Almost all video game movies come from action-oriented games. Street fighter, Double Dragon, Mario Bros., Tomb Raider, and Mortal Kombat are all games that don?t posses enough story to fill a bologna sandwich. They weren?t suited for the medium, but possessed a generous amount popularity in the video game world, or at least enough to make some idiot executive drool at the prospect of a quick buck. Maybe if more attention was paid to making a movie as close to possible of a reproduction of the game, THEN AND ONLY THEN would you have a movie that is about a game. All of these pieces of trash are simple premise bait and switch of a marketable license. The movies are the game counter parts in name only, and that is why they fail.

Another problem however is this: games are pretty long. RPG?s undoubtedly have the most gold to mine story wise. However, the problem with trying to make a game about an RPG is that the story for a game like that is far too long to try to make into a movie. Trying to condense it would make for a horrible experience. So the biggest portion of solid plots get thrown out right away. After that, you have to sift through a bunch of games to find creative scenarios to recreate. But instead of trying to take a game that has a solid narrative, a game with a cool concept or design is taken and narrative is built around it. One has to wonder why no one has figured out that the reason the design is good or the concept is cool is because you will be interacting with and controlling the action, rather than being a static recipient of actions that occur separated from you instead of involving you. That is why games are so fun, because you get to be involved in what happens.

Games that could work are few and far between, but they are out there. Retell and flesh out Half-life, it had a good story and a flexibly interesting universe. Psi-ops was an action heavy game, but it had characters that were worth remembering, a story that could adapt reasonably well, and a concept that is cool. But then again, some shitty director would get assigned to it, a crappy script would be written and a pile of a movie would be made. Then we would end up back here complaining how they screwed it up.Rolleyes

To be blunt, until I see a good video game movie, one that isn?t all action and doesn?t take liberties in the story (because it doesn?t need to), these adaptations are just an unimaginative invasion raping of inactive entertainments creativity pool, because Hollywood has become bankrupt of innovation, talent, and fundamental execution.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
geo85 Wrote:If all you want out of a movie game adaptation is the game on the big screen then make your own movies because that would blow. So what that re1 had only minimal stuff from the game, and it had a licker that transformed as well,
besides I thought re2 was completely boring because from the very begining I knew who would live and die and the fight with nemesis was crap and the zombies were no longer a threat to main characters just side characters.

We have already done all that stuff in the games who needs it all over again in the movie. If you just follow the game totally then anyone who has played it will sit there bored knowing everything thats going to happen.

I agree if RE was just based 100% on the games I would have been pissed personally. Someone said that only the fans of the game would like it well that is who it's geared towards after all. As long as they don't butcher it id rather see more movies like RE rather than the trash sequels and remakes that keep coming out. If I wanted to see trash I could just go through my dads small dvd collection Rolleyes
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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Blight Wrote:To be blunt, until I see a good video game movie, one that isn’t all action and doesn’t take liberties in the story (because it doesn’t need to)

And here we have the Van Hellsing effect. My friends & I like to slap people who enjoy this movie..why? Because we knew who he was before he was bastardized by Hollywood. It's practically an insult to make money...

And Underworld 2 is coming out. Now it's hard to complain about this becuase as far as I know the whole plot originated from some freaky arse roleplaying which some people took toooo serious, & now it's a bastardized movie??? wtf? If you're going to do a grand story like that do it right, don't try to wow us with a chick in leather & the idea of a vamp & wolf mixing -_-
Survey says: It was just to lame to enjoy...
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
My argument is only flawed when looked at from a different perspective then intended...let me explain, LOTR and sin city are great movies and there have been a decent amount of book to movie adaptations mainly because that the majority of the content is created by the individual reader, so there is a lot of room for the movie version, you have complete interpreterative freedom, when it comes to manga or comics you have much freedom not as much but still images leave much to be desired.
Now I am not saying all book or manga adaptations are good but there is more freedom.

When you have a video game you already have the characters and locations and events completely fleshed out before your eyes, you know all there is to and just having a movie rehash what you know already would be pointless.

Now although sin city is already visible and drawn out you dont have voices and music and movement, go watch and old silent film and you will see what I mean its like night and day. So them being true to what made sin city so alone in its genre and stand out and then adding music and movement only to enhance that is what made it sucessful and a great movie, if you like movies like that, that is.

From my point of view most games are interactive movies so a game on a movie is redundant unless they want to explore the game world and tell some new stories.
geo85 Wrote:From my point of view most games are interactive movies so a game on a movie is redundant unless they want to explore the game world and tell some new stories.

The argument doesn't work as I don't play that many games and pretty much all the video game movie adaptations I have seen I haven't played the game yet the movies are still total crap. If Sin City had been a game I had completed a million times I would still be memorised by the films amazing acting and direction.
idk, if i'd like to see some of the games i've played through up on the big screen. like...let's see....o snap! i can't remember it's name but it'd be good lol Big Grin anyways, i think i'd like to see the games stay pretty true to their storylines and stuff. i like the way blight put it, it's like movies based on books or anime's based on manga, if it's way off, is it even the same? so you take a character or two and somewhat similar to what happened but then change it all together, can you even call it the same thing?
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
As I said its all about interpretation, everyone interprets books and manga differently, so when you adapt a book or manga most of the time they aim for a general interpretation that would appeal to most fans like LOTR. Something that would seem way off to you maybe right on for someone else. When you read a book you visualize it in your head and can hear the characters voices yourself but your visualization maybe totally different than someone elses. One good example is the old LOTR aniamtion movies, look at the night and day difference between Ralph Bachis version and the other versions with the same material, Ralph decided to animate over actors while the other two were total drawn aniamtion, also the hobbit design, also the design of the characters I could go on, but I hope you see my point. I would rather have spirits within than advent children.
geo85 Wrote:I would rather have spirits within than advent children.

You know, that statement doesn't help support your point of view. LOL! And to say something that isn?t just poking fun at you, the other things you just said tear your argument down the center. You say that you don?t want to see the exact same thing that was in a game, but you are now saying that interpretations differ? That would mean you would NEVET see the same thing, because every one would view it differently. So, if the interpretation of the games story would vary from director to director, why don?t they try to be faithful to the source material?

The Aeon Flux movie is a good example of this that is outside of video games. The premise and story have almost nothing to do with the show. The show was f?ing crazy, but that isn?t the point. If I want to see a movie about a female super assassin that gets betrayed by the government, there are ton of others movies I can watch, but non of them, including the new movie, are an Aeon Flux movie. They just slap the name on there and try to pass it off as something it has no relation to. It is so f?ing stupid because, on a rudimentary level, it isn?t even the same thing.

Coming back to games, the ?interpretation? you talk about becomes moot, because everything, the visuals, dialogue, and music, is all there. You can change some of these things, but there comes a point where you have taken away so much, that it isn?t even the same brand you started with. Interpretation is not changing because you think it should be someway, it is processing what you take in. The movies that have been made skip or ignore the interpretation phase, and head straight of into, ?I?m doing what I want.?
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"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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