Hard games
Virgilkiller Wrote:These games may be hard but i'm harder!!!

That was gay on so many levels.
would you like to feel?
I never saw why ruby was so hard. On my version of the game knights of the round does 5000-7000 per attack althought ive seen it only do around 500 so maybe the greatest hits version does less or something i dunno

Emerald weapon is easy as long as you have final attack and phonix on

but yeah i honestly didn't think they were all that hard. I beat emerald first try and i think ruby first or second.

All it really takes is the right armor and he isnt hard in fact with certain armor all magic misses 80% of the time so.......

oh unreal 2003 on godlike is hard
The only reason why ff7 was hard for me was because I blew through onmy first run and finished the game at level 65, so I didnt have knights of the round or all the final weapons.
I never got knights of the round because I never got a gold chocobo. I think I was the unluckiest mofo ever. I tried for 2 hours and nothing. My friend got his in like 20 mins. =/
/\/\It must have been the power of retarded inbreed chocobos. That part always disturbed me.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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