Hard games
one that comes in mind is

Phantasy Star 2 especially the 2 last boss
[Image: bl453.png]
*warning, profanity*

Ninja gaidens mission mode is the hardest. I fucking hate team ninja. Those goddamn assholes. I finally beat 2 outta 3 worms after playing it literally close to 200 times and what do they do? Spawn a ton of fucking bugs to attack me so I don't have a chance to attack the last worm. Those fucking pricks. I seriously hate them.
All I have to say to that is that you should have known what you were getting into, team ninja is known for the level of difficulty so if you don't like that then don't play it. Some people enjoy the level of difficulty.
geo85 Wrote:All I have to say to that is that you should have known what you were getting into, team ninja is known for the level of difficulty so if you don't like that then don't play it. Some people enjoy the level of difficulty.

You?re probably right, but I would like to know how many people on their staff can actually beat the hard stuff they want you to. Making a game hard is fine, making it so damn close to impossible it practically is retardedly frustrating and pointless.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Japanese gamers atleast a large portion seem to enjoy very hard games, just look at FF7, most remember the almost impossible difficulty of emerald and ruby weapon, well in the japanese version they were even harder. But I suppose that some of the developers could beat the hardest missions, they made the game so they should know how eveything works and how to take down all the enemies.
What? The japanese version didn't even have the ruby or emerald monsters. That was added for the U.S. release. At least that's what the strategy guide I have says..

And blight is right, hard and next to impossible is fine. I played those worms literally close to 200 times and I beat two of them one time out of all those plays. That's hard enough, you don't need to send a swarm of bugs at me at the end to crush any chance remaining that I had to win.

Man after that I don't even feel beating the two with constant bugs was even an accomplishment... lol.

If you could at least save ur ninpo for the end it would be doable but you need to use your ninpo while fighting all three or you will die. Not really fair when you have a ring of fire coming at you and one of the side worms shoots electricity through the center lol. Nothing to do there except use your ninpo.
geo85 Wrote:Japanese gamers atleast a large portion seem to enjoy very hard games, just look at FF7, most remember the almost impossible difficulty of emerald and ruby weapon, well in the japanese version they were even harder. But I suppose that some of the developers could beat the hardest missions, they made the game so they should know how eveything works and how to take down all the enemies.
The DMC series disproves that...or so I'm told >.> <.<
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um..... ff7 isnt hard

in fact osma off of ff9 is the only challenging boss i have ever fought on a ff game and that wasn't even all that hard.

Anyways yeah DMC 1 and 2 are both really really easy the 3rd one is um really not

If you want to play a hard rpg play lunar silver star story or final fantasy 1 even shadow hearts has it's moments i think im thinking of shadow hearts
a game i have been playing a little seems pretty hard if you wanna do everything in it thats the 4th tenchu stealth assassins game.

I was playing it and i tried the first mission like 6 or 8 times and couldn't get grand master and i got grand master on every layout with every character on the 3rd game so.....

That and enemies can stealth kill you.... that was really crappy
I am not saying ff7 is hard but there is no way you can say you beat ruby and emerald weapon (both side misions) on the first try, that is unless you had help.
geo85 Wrote:I am not saying ff7 is hard but there is no way you can say you beat ruby and emerald weapon (both side misions) on the first try, that is unless you had help.

I dont care if you did have help, ruby weapon was still a bitch...emerald weapon on the other hand, i beat w/o any problems what so ever, with out looking up tactics or anything, first time through the game....other then ruby weapon, ff7 isnt hard at all. Im telling you, if you can find a copy of jupiter strike, you need to pick it up...and die, 80 times in ten minutes, if you can actually make it to the end of the game, theres a good chance you will be insane, or atleast be on the way.
odin0425 Wrote:I dont care if you did have help, ruby weapon was still a bitch...emerald weapon on the other hand, i beat w/o any problems what so ever, with out looking up tactics or anything, first time through the game....other then ruby weapon, ff7 isnt hard at all. Im telling you, if you can find a copy of jupiter strike, you need to pick it up...and die, 80 times in ten minutes, if you can actually make it to the end of the game, theres a good chance you will be insane, or atleast be on the way.

That?s funny I always had trouble the opposite way lol. But I fought Emerald first, than punished Ruby with all the extra Materia I received.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Cidien Wrote:I know in mega man X it's damn near impossible to beat sigma without cheating. Even with a bunch of cheats on I still woulda died like 10x if I wasn't invulnerable.

???? I've finished the game loads of times without any cheats, it's hard but not THAT hard. And the X games tend to get harder with each one. X6, that was rock hard is some places, although Sigma was surprisingly easy.

Ghouls N Ghosts, Strider, Megaman 1, Phantasy Star 2, Ninja Gaiden NES games, and Xbox version is pretty hard too, now THOSE were some hard games. Viewtiful Joe was a pretty hard game too.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I think megaman 1 is easier than x. But only because of sigma. I could beat the first game.
These games may be hard but i'm harder!!!

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