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I know EXACTLY what you're talking about in Black! I had to resort to using a trainer to get beyond that stupid mission.
I agree that Ultimate Spiderman is crap. But I found Legendia to be quite charming (in that oldschool kinda way), and i've heard nothing but good things about Two Thrones.
I've pretty much finished up everything I wanted to play recently. So i've gone back to playing .hack// infection. Which I haven't played this game since i first bought it like 3+ years ago. Everyone has their own opinion about 'dungeon' based rpgs, but I enjoy them. Especially the .hack series.
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Well currently I am switching between Grandia III and Shadow of the Cossi which someone is letting me borrow. Also I recently got Kingdom Hearts II but I haven't finished the first one yet. I was going after the ultimate Keyblade and I guess I just got frustrated with it. Anyway. Now I am going to have topick up the dirst one again and play it. Oh well.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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I just finished mgs3  . I LOVE the new camera. I had alot of issues with mgs3 and the lack of the radar but with the new camera I breezed through. Awesome game (as if there was any doubt).
Now playing Tombraider:Legend and its great. Lara moves fast and fluid again and the camera is pretty good. Puzzles are pretty hard sometimes but there are some awesome jumping puzzles. My only gripe so far is the linear levels. I'd have liked to have some more maze like levels like the first tombraiders had but I'm only 40% into the game so that might change. Her new battle moves like kicks and slides can make for some nice fights but in the end it all relies on just locking on and shooting while jumping arround. Anyway, its light years better than that last tombraider game.
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I waited till Gun was only 20 bucks before buying it be4cause I knew it was short. I heard it was beatable within 10 hours if you just play the story mode. That's pretty much true. Within 2 days, less than 24 hours I've beaten the game & all that's left to do is play the poker tournaments to get get the last shotgun & I'll be 100% complete (ok I also need like 4-5 more gold patches, but still).
I'm not sure it was worth 20 bucks, well I mean it's one of the best games I've seen lately, but still it's just real short.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Tomb Raider Legend - hands down, the best game in the series to date! yeah, you can tell it's aimed more at casual gamers, since it's quite linear. but overall it's a fantastic game
Silent Hill 2 - Beat 1 a week ago, now playing 2. All in anticipation for the movie coming out at the end of April
Kingdom Hearts - Yes, the first one. I refuse to start playing 2 until i beat the first one. Considering the last time i beat it was years ago, so i don't fully remember it. Plus, i can't start 2 until my brother is done with it anyway :p
Hmm.... i think that's all for now. I usually have even more games going on. But just haven't had that much time.
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one of my buddies beat Kingdom Hearts 2 in like 4 days. He played it on hard mode so he didn't have to do all the collecting to get the extras though. He was going to bring it to me today, but forgot it, so tomarrow we're loaning each other, him Gun, me KH2.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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desfunk Wrote:Silent Hill 2 - Beat 1 a week ago, now playing 2. All in anticipation for the movie coming out at the end of April
I'd definetly play silent hill if they'd give it a free form camera. They should remake that RE4 style.
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Ultimate spiderman is not crap. It's like spiderman 2 but way better in pretty much every way. Spiderman is especially funny. "Is that a rhinoceros horn or you just happy... to.. see... I am so scared right now I can't even finish my lame joke.
My friend and I are playing halo 1 on legendary trying to beat it. Taking a hell of a lot longer than easy/normal we normally used to play on lol. Makes the game feel fresh and fun again though. Not really playing much else. Watching a bit of anime and reading a lot of comics.
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Halo on legendary. That's more or less impossible in my world. Tried it a couple of times and couldn't make it to the first door in the library. You get dropped of by a big ship inside of that building and there's 1 door where like 5 enemies come through and I can't even kill them all before I die. I've tried everything and just concluded its impossible for me to do.
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Ya we're playing it on his 360 and have to unlock all the levels and decided to do it on legendary. We're on the fifth level now after about 6 hours of play i'd estimate.
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I've been playing KH2 for like 2-3 days. There's a few kinks I don't like, but over all I regret to say that it's probably the best rpg I've played in 3 years.
Square may have my faith back soon, but my trust will be hard to earn 100% after FF10, FF10-2, & SO3 :S
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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With all the games for the cube, ps2, and xbox I have I find myself playing legend of dragoon inestead, games just hold very little interest for me nowadays either that or I have Interactivemedia-ADD.
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Batz what was wrong with ffx? It had a great story and a pretty good battle system. Only thing really missing was an overworld map.
And we beat halo on legendary last night. The last level in the warthog is really hard to keep both people alive lol. If anyone tries it have the second player sit up front not in the gun turret. If you do the sentinals will kill you and the turret doesn't do jack to them.
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Cidien Wrote:Batz what was wrong with ffx? It had a great story and a pretty good battle system. Only thing really missing was an overworld map.
And we beat halo on legendary last night. The last level in the warthog is really hard to keep both people alive lol. If anyone tries it have the second player sit up front not in the gun turret. If you do the sentinals will kill you and the turret doesn't do jack to them. The batle system of if you use character A to attack the enemy with the weakness of character A's weapon then it dies in one hit was stupid.
I don't like games where I paly for 5 minutes then watch a 30 minute movie..Kindgom Hearts 2 almost has this same problem.
The story wasn't original.
The coolest character was Auron(however you spell his name), Tidus was retarded. Lulu was almost cool, but it's like they tried to hard to make her all black widow like. Other than looking f***able Riku was retarded.
I wasn't a fan of the level up system.
The trials you had to pass were more than jsut annoying, theyy were pointless. The world didn't interest me I was hoping Sin would destroy it all.
It was linear like a mo-fo.
Due to having no real world map the airship was no big deal..
Just a whole lot of little bits & pieces, infact I actually like FFX-2 more than 10.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Hey Batz, sounds like you hated it. Just be glad it wasn't Drakengard. Fun Hack and Slash game. However it has five different endigs and you have to get the previous four as well as do everything in the game to get the last one. To add to the porblem, the last boss is hard as heck and after you finally get the last movie it isn't even worth all the effort you put into it to get it. Seriously, I really felt like I wasted my time on this game. Now thye have made a second one and I am not sure whether to get it hoping it will be better than the first or if I should avoid it.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn