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Gonna get ToS when the revolution comes out.
Just got screwed outta my 256 upgrade too. Got a great deal then they send me ECC memory when they advertised and my system needs non-ECC. =/ Got a refund, havn't been able to find a good deal since and i'm not spending around $200 for a 256 upgrade. May as well save up for a new computer w/o insanely expensive memory.
Thinking about playing WoW again instead of eq2 simply because it runs better on my system. Wish it would drop in price though, don't really wanna pay $50 for it again.
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Lately I've been playing The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. I haven't had this much fun playing a game in a long long time. My PS2 and I are closer than ever now.
I was playing One Piece Grand Battle Rush before this which for those that haven't played it is exactly like Power Stone. Mihawk was a pain in the ass to unlock. He has to hit you with his level 2 super move before you can beat him. I had to play through with Zoro six times before he even used it. I can't believe some of the garbage they did to this game here in the states! I just happened to be in EB which is a pretty rare occasion, and I look over and they had a strategy guide for Grand Battle Rush. So I pick it up. Looks like they removed the majority of the characters, and changed most that were left! Smoker is now Chaser?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
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kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Smoker is now Chaser?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!
Little kids aren't supposed to smoke? Hell I don't know but you can guarantee it is because of the kiddy dub that made it's way over here.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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09-12-2005, 09:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2005, 09:31 PM by geo85.)
Its just another pathetic cash in on a popular anime thats was horribly destroyed when some morons decided to throw it on childrens tv.
Right now I have been playing conker LAR, I love this game, yeah it has a few kinks but man what a great game, now if psychonauts had a multiplayer function like conker does I would have bought it as opposed to only renting it.
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I hear alot of people raving about the Hulk but I couldn't really get into it. Its fun for a short while just like the spiderman2 game but it gets borring soon. The entire city is the same and I hate the camera. The action shifts direction so fast that the camera is almost never behind me and I just mash the buttons. But the moves the Hulk has are awesome.
I just got my xbox with halo, halo2, jade empire, splinter cell2 and ghost recon2 summit strike. I'm having a little trouble with the controllers trigger buttons since I'm so used to the ps2. The xbox triggers are even lower than the r/l2 buttons and I often miss them. I'm playing halo now and I find its a very fun game with super huge levels but a little repetitive. Good game but not worth the 9+ reviews it got IMO. I'll start Halo2 after this and then will try out Live. I've been playing ps2 games online for a while now and I'm interested to see if Live is as good as everyone says. Anyone know if Counterstrike is still played on Live? I've never played the pc version so I'm thinking of buying the xbox port.
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I've polished off Tales of Symphonia (beat it twice), and I bought and beat God of War. That was a good game too, masterful control.
Now I'm playing Bard's Tale. This game is hard. If you don't pay attention, you could die at any moment, and it was damn near impossible for me to beat the first dungeon, and there was only one monster in it! But I after I figured out a strategy, it was all good. You can't just run through the game swinging your sword and expect everything to die, you have to play smart and use the different summons strategically. The game is really, really funny too. The voice work is grade A. There is lots of cliché bashing, and the Narrator is a total dick. The bard is too, mostly, so it makes for a very self involved, lecherous anti-hero; it is obvious from the beginning of the game he is after two things: booty and booty.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Just finished Fahrenheit (Indigo profecy in the US) this weekend. Awesome game, it really plays like a movie, has a good story and is totaly original. You can believe the reviews. I could rant a few pages about this game trying to explain it but I'll just recommend trying it out for yourself. I finished it in about 8 hours but there are supposedly alot of different endings depending on decissions you take in the game so the replay should be good.
Now playing Mortal Kombat: Shaolin monks and for the MK fan I am this is a dream come true. Gameplay controls resemble God of war alot (face buttons= normal move, face + R1 is special move) and you can upgrade the moves, and there are alot of them. It plays very easy, has all the known backgrounds, some cool fatalities and for me its just alot of fun. Any MK fan should definetly check this out.
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Just picked up ninja gaiden black, definitely worth it for any gaiden fan this game rocks just like the previous gaiden. I also just started playing tales of symphonia again.
Currently I am eagerly awaiting ultimate spiderman and farcry instincts.
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Yeah, I'm buying farcry too. Its part of the reason I bought my xbox.
I hope its good on Live (once I hooked it up to the net). I saw a movie where they were playing arround with the map editor and it looked awesome. So many options and you can make pretty large maps. Look it up on gamespot if you haven't seen it yet. Really makes me want to get this game.
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The map editor is the main reason I want this game, it also looks great and the large maps that shift depending on how many players are fighting and the predator abilities and vehicles and the whole stalking others in a jungle looks really fun.
I also just got indigo prophecy, man have I been dying for an adventure game this great for a long time, any adventure fan should check it out, it has an awesome cinematic feel.
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Just beat Silent hill 3... god that was a scary game
currently playing final fantasy x-2, really annoying battle system! yes i am a little behind but i actually just recently bought a ps2
By the way.... not trying to be mean but how the hell did it take you months to beat krauser... he was really easy
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I beat The Bard's Tale Wednesday. I?m burning through games like there is no tomorrow. But on Friday, Skies of Arcadia Legends and Baten Kaitos arrived so I wasn't down for long. Skies is kinda annoying in a few ways so far, but the first ship battle was really cool and I want to play it more now. Haven't even opened up BK yet, and don't plan on it till I'm don with SoAL
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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babyeater0 Wrote:By the way.... not trying to be mean but how the hell did it take you months to beat krauser... he was really easy
I had very little stong weapon bullets cause I shot most of them up on 'IT' which was in the same chapter. He wasn't that hard in the end but the first times I didn't know you had to shoot his legs and kept waiting for a split second opening of his face. I actually just tried it like 4 times when I got there first but my method took a really long time and I got really frustrated and put the game on the shelf for a couple of months. When I tried it again I made it in the second try (with help of a FAQ) and finished it the same day. Such a great game.
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finally after months of off & on play I beat MSG: Gundam vs Z Gundam's story mode, but I've got 82% on the collection least I got my Haro  !
Anyways, I was thinknig about putting either Nano Breaker, Castlevania: LoI, or Bujingai in to finish next; 'cause I was about 1/4th through the game with the second of 2 unlockable characters on NB; had the third of three characters on LoI, & on Hard mode of Bujingai, but I found a crappy glitch inwhich one of the floating gongs doesn't appear in level 7, or one of those..-_-
Also I've been thinknig about finishing up err, what's the name of it; Ties that Bind is fix'n to come out... Anyways, I was going to play it next time the g/f is over to see if she likes it..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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I just got Burnout 4 and its freaking awsome. I have also been playing CS:S almost every day. I just preordered and preloaded DoD:S which comes out Monday, so ill be playing that alot too.