[Current Trade List] - JunkieJoe - Updated November 20, Look inside for store trading
I have...

Record of Lodoss War OAV AC/MI 2 DVD set
R1: Lord of the Rings 2 DVD set (trade or will sell for 10USD)

External Zip drive, Serial Port connection (will trade cheap)

Also the dvds from the STORE section on this website are for trade too, read details below.

I want...
X Files R1 sets
Buffy R1 sets
Star Trek TNG R1 sets
Wild Arms 1 PS1 game
PS2 Games
XBox Games
Game Boy Advance Games
Game Cube Games

XBox System (take maybe atleast 1 more)
GameCube System

Store Trading Policy
I trade for R1 dvds at 1 for 1 ratio for anything from my AS/MAC and MI FX AV store in the "Store" section, some new release dvds are negotiable for more, PS2 games generally 2 dvds for good games, maybe more for brand new releases

Systems are negotiable too...
Updated Dec 11 2002
Would you be interested in a bunch of dragonball and dragonball z vhs's :?. I would be willing to trade them for next to nothing.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
DAMN JOE!! How many video game systems do you need?! Smile
Updated February 4 2003

please find my trading rating on the successful trading thread (since i delete the replies from my thread time to time)
Updated March 2 2003
Thought I'd bump my thread ^_^
Hi,im interested in the street fighter 2v dvd series...
Pm me please, im not sure i have anything you want,
so id like to buy it too, if you offer me a better price than
from the site.
why would i try to sell it at a better price than my site? ;p compete against myself?

Oh u talking about the old set.. its been traded for a while now .
I got some of the games you're looking for JJ...check my list...
I have Golden Eye if you want it.
Interested in these from your store:

Super Gals - Kotobuki Ran 2dvds
Ranma TV Season 1 and 2 5dvd
Ranma TV - Season 3 - Hard Battle 3dvd
Ranma TV - Season 4 Outta Control 3dvd
Night Walker Midnight Detective Complete Collection 2dvd

have these R1 dvds for trade:


Robotech Macross Saga 6DVD (ADV) English Dubbed (Complete)
Midnight Panthers
Digimon - The movie
Battle Arena Toshinden (ALL Regions)
Grave of Fireflies 2dvd
Laputa 2dvd
Kiki's Special Delivery Service 2dvd

hope that you are interested in some of them
-Read or Die (complete)
-Arjuna volume 1
-Rayearth2 - Live (very last DVD of the Rayearth series)
-.hack//SIGN volume 2 : Outcast

Zelda Ocaraina of Time (N64)

Interested in any of these? If so, which ones, and how many DVD credits can I get for them?
Big Grin
actually more or less interested in R1 regular live action movies... no need for anime since i got abundant supply ^_~

would have been interested in the Zelda game if the GC version didnt come out ~_~
Oh live action movies, ok! too bad because those dvd's might come in hand to me..

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