Samurai champloo ep 23 the baseball episode
Anyone else seen this episode? Besides laughable english being spoken by the "americans" I almost feel offended by this episode lol. I know the americans are looked down upon in a lot of animes but this episode is just ridiculous.
its just you.
Heh forgot about this thread. Must be just me nobody ever responded.
I saw it when it first was released in fansub. I laughed till i stopped then I went and took a crap. Then watched it again. More laughter.

I dont really care if Americans are looked down in anime or by the Japanese. We're better. Remeber that whole Hiroshima thing, yeah we kick major BUTT!!! Smile

Wonder if Genon is going to make the Americans sound funny like that in the dubb. My fingers are crossed in hopes that they do.
Well thats my two cents.
I don't normally care but something about that episode just bothered me. Sure it was funny but it was offensive funny. And you can't really compare the japanese of ww2 to the japanese now. Their culture and views have done nearly a 180.

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