howl's moving castle
thats something i havent heard before ? They probably have had their brains washed out with too much Disney S--t ! and Anything different than what theyve seen two million times is not acceptable -Sometimes , folks unfamiliar with Anime, cant handle the reallity of it , I personnally love the Japanese version subtitled alot better than the Spirited Away Disney hacked version ! check it out. i definitely will buy Howls ( its still a hundred times better than anything New, Disney can pump out ! ) Wink
They hated Spirited Away??? Blasphemers!!! *in bes Integra WIngates Hellsing voice which isn't that good* They shall all burn in the fiery pits of HELL!!! Just kidding. Man I can't believe they didn't like that movie. Its a shame truly it is. I haven't really wanted to see Howl's moving caastle as I don't know if it would be any good. Plus it migght be a two hour driv just to see it. I tink I will wait to see it on DVD unless it comes out in other theatres before then. By the way was Seamboy any good? Just wondering as the last good anime movie I saw besides Spirited Away was Princess Mononoke and this other movie I can't remember the name of. Anywhoo, laters.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Cidien Wrote:One was even angry and demanded to have it turned off before it was over and and was asking my sister who brought it.

What in that movie could possibly make a parent angry to the point of demanding the movie to be turned off is beyond me! There's no violence, no sex, no nothing that could bring about that sort of reaction. It's actually a very innocent and beautiful movie. If that parent watched Laputa or Princess Mononoke he'd go mad then because, when compared to Spirited Away, Laputa and Mononoke are much more violent. Some people are just crazy!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Well, apparently there is an anime god who loves the Schultzs...Howl's Moving Castle is playing just down the street!!!
Now to find a babysitter and wrench my husband away from the Evercrack...Smile

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