howl's moving castle
Finally saw it last week. Simply, it was spectacular. The visual was the best I've seen. Some of the background was so vivid that it almost looked like somewhere in Sierra or Rocky Mountains. The Howl's room had so many detailed objects that I had a hard time looking at all the little gadgets and decorations piled up all around the room. I love The stuffed cow and the alligator on Howl?s bed. They were so cute Smile

I usually don?t go back to theaters to see same movie twice but this is the one movie I wouldn?t mind seeing again at a theater. It would be a mistake to wait to watch it on dvd. I think even a big screen TV won?t be enough to show fine details in this movie.
Best looking movie for your preferance or ever? If ever I wonder if you've seen appleseed. =P That movie is worth watching for the visuals alone, but it actually has a good story with it. Visuals are like GITS 2 but show even more detail because there are more fights and such. The opening blew me away.
I enjoyed Howl much more than Appleseed. I felt that there was a lot of superfluous animation in Appleseed just to show off what they can do without having any point to it. Howl has much cleaner lines and you can take just about any single frame of the movie and just sit there and admire the clean lines and tight design.

Miyazaki is still the reigning champ when it comes to anime in my book.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
There is but the visuals are so cool in appleseed that I don't care lol. Hope howls moving castle comes to a theatre near me soon so I can see what you guys think is so great about it. =P
Best ever. Haven't seen Appleseed or much of any latest anime movies. So it doesn't mean much. The story was so cute and engaging. But the ending, while it wasn't bad, was too disney-like for my taste. It was very un-Miyazaki-like ending and deviated quite a bit from the original story. I also Hated Calcifer's voice. It reminded me too much of wisecrack characters from Finding Nemo or similar Disney movies. Overall, I thought the story was good. I didn't find a single boring moment.
Just saw it today in the theatres. Havn't seen the japanese voices obviously but I thought the english voices did a good job. Christian bayle or however you spell it and billy crystal did great jobs.

I see what you mean about the animation now. I think GITS 2 and appleseed have way way more impressive animation. However, for a more limited use of cg they did an excellent job. The castle especially looked cool when it was moving about.
i just watched appleseed and uh wow that movie is amazing i mean really amazing.

Its definately one of the best movies ive seen in a long time. id put it on par with anything miyazaki does and much higher then 80% of the movies that come out in america now adays

Howl's moving castle looks good so i might see it i think i might not cus ive just been going thru money like mad lately so...
If you've got a neice or kids or something and have it in a theatre near you it's a great movie to go to. If not it's still good. It's just one of those rare theatre shows you can bring kids to and not be bored.
yeah i really like miyazaki and i have most of his best work. like i have grave of the fireflies spirited away princess mononoke my neighbor totoro and a few more is this movie up to par with the rest of his???

just wondering

also anyone know where i can get a hold of cowboy bebop last exile and saikano in english good quality HK

P.M. me cus i dont want to change this thread
Ahh!! I soo want to see this movie..I love studio ghibli movies I have seen every movie/episode that was created even old anime shorts except doggy poo...So I have to see this one I hope it is playing somewhere in Portland -_-........^_^
What's stopping you? Go see it. Here's one theater:
Regal Fox Tower 10
846 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR 97205
and show time there: (11:40 am), (12:45), (2:15), (4:20), (4:55), 7:00, 7:40, 9:40, 10:20
kristym22 Wrote:I have seen every movie/episode that was created even old anime shorts except doggy poo...

Eh? Isn't that Korean?
gubi-gubi Wrote:Eh? Isn't that Korean?

Oops,yup you are right..hmm ,what was the one that I did not see then??? :confused:
seen howl's moving castle - its not bad , but not as good as some of miyazaki's other movies like spirited away or kikis delivery service, in all honesty it was a bit disapointing and i was let down - Appleseed on the other hand is a fantastic movie as well as Steamboy , Steamboy will be out in about another week ( think the 24th or 28th of July ? ) that is a definite buy ! hope i didnt hurt any of your feelings but i really think howls was not one of miyazaki's best works.
I really expected something better and i was let down !
I havn't seen spirited away but my sister showed the dvd I got my neice on their class trip she supervised. All the kids hated it and the parents thought it was a horrible movie. One was even angry and demanded to have it turned off before it was over and and was asking my sister who brought it. Of course since my sister was the one that brought it she just acted dumb lol. I kinda wanna see it just to see why everyone hates it so much.

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