ADV Rip Off
Has anyone else feel like they got rip off by ADV. I have a few reasons why I feel they have given us the shaft. First

Did anyone else Buy Golden Boy from ADV after the HK had blurred the swimming pool scene I thought they (ADV) would give us an unedited version but noooo....


Sorcerer on the Rocks.... Man did this piss me off. ADV not only Bleeped the Cuss word (Bitch) in the English Audio, But They bleeped it in the Japanese audio as well as the subtitles... What a pain in the ass :twisted:

If anyone else has suffered these ungrateful bastards please share with us
Oh and it does just have to be ADV other bastards should be pointed out as well. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
what the heck is sorcerer on the rocks?..... and they MUST have bleeped it for a reason..... i don't think they ever edited out swearing before...... so maybe it was originally IN the japanese version......

the only rip offs i feel..... are when they throw a small amount of episodes onto 1 disc.... forcing you to buy like 8 more to finish your series..... and at about $30 a pop (canadian) for 1 dvd... it adds up to be pretty ugly.....

i've never had any other problems though......
desfunk, 30 canadian per dvd is not bad... u should see Evangelion DVDs at future shop at 45+ canadian a pop, even though the new set is out and those things sell cheap on the net....

as for goldenboy cencoring... it was in the original japanese version... and ADVision is not known for uncensoring anything.. i mean they released hentai under the their soft cell label but all they did is cut and paste all the mosaic stuff out and compile.... all turns into a piece of shit... golden boy atleast didnt get cut, and theres only 2 monents for 2 seconds each of that... one is the pool scene where he has a hard on stickin out of his swimming wear, and the other one is with that chick with father complex where she is wearing no undies and runs and her skirt lifts up.

either way I enjoy my R1 golden boy dvds very much... though i think they charging too much for it... like 19 bucks each... for 3 episodes per dvd
I agree that 30$CDN for a DVD is a decent price. Most of the stuff I was interested in runs for around 45-50$CDN . Some prices are just plain ridiculious. Ranma 1/2 OVA series 3 dvd boxset for 190$ CDN.

If you don't believe, check it out for yourself:

Ranma 1/2 OVA 3 DVD boxset at Futureshop
Ok I back off on the Golden Boy thing, but Still SOTR I feel that it was ADV I mean I have never heard of the Japanese censoring dirty words. When i watched at the Fire House Junchi (local friend) Said hey why did they Bleep the word. He said it wasn't Bleeped in his version. And that was record from TV. So I wonder but yea after I put up this topic schultz told me about the Golden Boy. My Bad
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Much better price for Ranma 1/2 OVA... Hell I buy most of my R1 ones from here...

$90 or $190...Hum
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
That price is alot better but the suggested retail price was 120$ US which is 190$CDN. I use that as an example because my local future shop has the best anime selection that I know of. I guess online is the way to go when getting R1s. Too bad that site doesnt accept international credit cards.
Damn that bites... Hey I'll try to find a place or I'll ask the company why after lots of businesses they tend to listen, also they are really just a wholesale company. You can get a complete list of where the stuff comes from and buy it from their sites and They will honor the price. I hope that helps.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"

desfunk, 30 canadian per dvd is not bad... u should see Evangelion DVDs at future shop at 45+ canadian a pop, even though the new set is out and those things sell cheap on the net....

as for goldenboy cencoring... it was in the original japanese version... and ADVision is not known for uncensoring anything.. i mean they released hentai under the their soft cell label but all they did is cut and paste all the mosaic stuff out and compile.... all turns into a piece of shit... golden boy atleast didnt get cut, and theres only 2 monents for 2 seconds each of that... one is the pool scene where he has a hard on stickin out of his swimming wear, and the other one is with that chick with father complex where she is wearing no undies and runs and her skirt lifts up.

either way I enjoy my R1 golden boy dvds very much... though i think they charging too much for it... like 19 bucks each... for 3 episodes per dvd

yeah..... i refuse to get dvds from there (unless it's something big name and on sale)..... like End of Eva was like $24.99 or something..... and i got a MASS good deal on the escaflowne movie (box thingy) when it first came out and was on sale.......

but most of the time i get stuff online.... and after conversion and stuff the dvds are like $30.... and then there's STILL shipping and crap.......
Well most of you know the company that ripped me off the most was viz. They bent me over a table and had thier way with me. For the most part ADV has always pissed me off. It just seems they could do a better job. Even though lately they have gotten better. 8O 8O 8O 8O That dosen't mean that I will buy anything from them though hahahahahahaha. 8O 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
That's really weird seeing as the dub for Excel Saga had a couple of "fucks" in it. :roll:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
The FLCL R1s have 2 , count em 2 episodes per DVD. Thats 50 minutes for the suggested retail price of 30$US. Now that's a scam if I ever saw one.

For 10$, I bought the MI DVD with all 6 episodes which is perfect.
Quote:Originally posted by "matthewmalay"

The FLCL R1s have 2 , count em 2 episodes per DVD. Thats 50 minutes for the suggested retail price of 30$US. Now that's a scam if I ever saw one.

For 10$, I bought the MI DVD with all 6 episodes which is perfect.

better then japan.... they got 1 episode per dvd......

but honestly.... it's WELL worth the price..... cause i'm sure the R1s will be even better then the rips..... plus i heard you get some good stuff with the dvd

but yeah yeah.... i know it's still a rip off.... but what can you do
I think there are certain limits. I spent $25 for two dub episodes of Maison Ikkoku on VHS. It's 96 episodes. It would have cost me over $1000. But then again VIZ gave up on the series anyways. Bastards!!!! :x
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
1 episode per dvd!!!!! Incredible.

The R1 is suppose to have a director's commentary with accompanying subtitle track, outtakes, Art Gallery, Reversible Cover, Special 24 page booklet full of production notes and the full episode 1 manga sequence in print.

If they had the decency to put 3 ep a dvd I would have waited in line to get but 2 ep. Forget about it

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