Learning Japanese
I didn't mean to say that it is only good for anime/manga but like I explained many japanese outside of japan won't speak japanese to non-japanese people cause they feel speaking japanese in another country is rude. I also think that many japanese people have met many non-japanese otakus that speak japanese so they really don't want to talk with non-japanese for fear of being in contact with an otaku. (or at least thats my understanding from talking with a few.)

In all honestly I learned japanese to talk to my foster-grandma but I haven't seen her in years and she dosen't even know how well I understand japanese. So in-fact I learned japanese for a non-anime reason but I've found it's only good for anime/manga and not as a social language. Sometime ago I heard from an old man that married a japanese woman during WW2 that even though he speaks perfect japanese he says that he has only a few friends, he told me to save myself sometime and learn chinese if I wanted to learn a social language. Well I learned the hard way but I totally agree with him as far as the socialness of japanese.

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