DVD compression problems? Why?
The dvds i've burned play exactly the same as the FX dvds. There is no quality drop I can notice. I don't watch on a computer or high def tv or anything though, so if there is a small drop in quality it doesn't really matter to me.
if you can get a hold of it grab dvdxcopy platinum it compresses also and does a great job of it. I have had better copying of stuff then with shrink because sometimes i will make a burn to loan out to a friend so the original doesen't get scratched then when i get it back i can just watch the burn so...
I would stay with DVD Shrink its free and fast. dvdxcopy had to many problems when i tried it.. though its been a while and specially since you can't get the platinum edition since they got sued.
Almost all Hollywood studios make sure that all their DVDs are more then 4.7GB just so people can't easily rip them. Even if it means encoding at a huge bitrate, inserting fake VTS files, or adding ridiculous extras.

As for the HK companies doing bad... remember they have to deal with subtitle streams, menus, dual audio channels, etc. I know that's not a lot, and they could do WAY WAY better, but they can't just use DVDShrink to combine DVDs.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Eh? With codecs making it easyer to what? Why isn't FX doing what? The only compression format they can use is MPEG2. What you want them to use XviD or something?

Are you serious? You are taking an FX disc and compressing it to DVD-5? FX discs are mostly 2 DVD-9 discs compressed and stuck onto one DVD-9 and you want to compress that down again and complain about the quality lol!?

Late reply.. but a late reply is better than none.

1) I've done better jobs compressing MPEG2 video from R1 animes than some HK companies have done theirs. I have a few dual layers and have tried combining two DVD9 discs into one, using Ulead DVD Workshop to make "amatuer menus" for the video and my quality has virtually no pixellation. The codec comment was a mistake. I badly noted avi and divx compression methods for dvd methods which are completely different. What I meant to say is most HK companies can do much better compressing.

2) I buy HKs. I never copy HKs for myself... only for friends who lack the money to buy HKs, let alone R1s. That's why I copy them. And my comment about the quality being horrible actually only goes for Fushigi Yuugi... and that's because the quality on the HKs is already somewhat bad (but it's an old anime.. whudda ya gonna do).

Anywho.. hope that clears up what I meant to say.
*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!
Schultz Wrote:t03knee btw if you like DVD Shink but have the latest nero also.. Load up Nero Recode.. Ahead hired the developer of DVD Shink to develop Recode 2. So it has alot of the same that your use to and its newer but from the same guy .. ;o)

Really? That's quite interesting. I might look into it. For now, my DVD Shrink never takes a break... *hopes no government agencies are reading* :confused:
*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!
Finally noticed some problems with a burned disc using dvd shrink. This is the first time i've noticed out of about 80 discs i've burned of anime or live action movies. Inuyasha movie 1 compressed pretty bad. Funniest thing is I got it through netflix and I wasn't supposed to. They skipped like my top 10 in the que and send me inuyasha movie 1 and 2 for no reason. Rolleyes
dvd_master Wrote:As for the HK companies doing bad... remember they have to deal with subtitle streams, menus, dual audio channels, etc. I know that's not a lot, and they could do WAY WAY better, but they can't just use DVDShrink to combine DVDs.

It is fiddly but after the amount of practice they should have in doing it (look how many sets MAC have put out and they still make mistakes now?!) they should be experts... To be honest I'd rather have better quality video, audio with no skew and perfect subs or anything than have menus... Sure menus are cool but not really necessary and they do take up some space (not loads but still)...
Well this is only an thought, on your first question. Could this little problem be coming from the haste that the disks are burned in or the equipment that is used?
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Mantis421 Wrote:Well this is only an thought, on your first question. Could this little problem be coming from the haste that the disks are burned in or the equipment that is used?
All i will say si anything cheap won't be as good as quailty as something that costs more.. You gotta remember you are paying for cheap ass discs. and a process with very if any Quality control..

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