ArkaidR Wrote:Don't read any of this bs'ed crap I wrote. I just want everyone to understand that by the time any of these systems are released, they WILL be lo-tech. Well, maybe middle-tech, but not for long.
Heh you really don't read much then.. Right now the PS3 will have 8 3.2 GHZ processors in it. and its 1 graphics card is more powerful then 2 6800 Ultra's. in one year that will be lo-tech. Hate to tell you but technology isn't as "rapid" as it used to be.

ArkaidR Wrote:Wow, you know this has to be the most I've typed all month. Well, they all still get owned by PCs anway so why bother? There's no way Quake 4 is gonna look the same on the 360 as on the PC. Doom 3 required at least a 512 mb Sli hook-up to be able to load there IN-DOOR maps in ultra high detail. To do that with Q4 your gonna need to hook up a 1024mb SLi hook-up. which in six months it will be just under a grand. Haha, Russians.

Ok just some things straight Doom 3 full graphics runs perfect on a Geforce 6800 GT 256MB (i have one and run it) at 1600x1200.. Also at the moment SLI sucks JunkieJoe can attest to this. He has burnt up 5 6600GT cards in his SLI system in the last few months.. and he hasn't been getting shit quality brands..

I know you stated your a Nvidia fan but technologically speaking ever since Nvidia took the time to develop the first GPU for the Xbox, ATI has been beating them in the PC market.

Also just some FYI .. the ATI card built for the Xbox is not based on a PC card at all. It actually won't be built into ATI future cards either. its soly for the xbox. It only has 10mb of SDRAM on the card. But its a memory controller for the Xbox's ram so it has FULL access to the 521MB DDR3 700MHZ system memory.

While the Nvidia on the Ps3 will have 256MB in teh GPU along with it being also based on there next generation cards for the PC. Good article to read between the GPU's is

Great read with the limited info on the two GPU's.

Btw anoter FYI i use both Nvidia and ATI cards so i am not really biased though i am a nintendo fan boy!

geo85 Wrote:Has anyone thought about security. When ps3 lauches there will be bluetooth connectivity between ps3 and psp
Actually teh Psp will use the wi-fi connection and not the bluetooth. Bluetooth is only for the controllers and probably any other addition they feel like.
Blue tooth isnt exactly all that long range either.
I dont really worry about security.Im in a suberban area so the only people close enough to access our current wifi are our 2 neighbours or someone parked at the road.Even in an apartment what are the chances of the people around you being good enough to hack the security.If anything id say the weakest link is the always connected internet.Next we are going to have the media hardcore talking viruses.
I dont know anything about tech but that anand article if its the same one is under a lot of scrutiny by heaps of people on gaf and b3d.Im of the opinion that ill wait and see.Everyone spews about how numbers mean nothing and then next to nothing gets released and sudenly the tech guys go nuts as if they do.I asume from what ive heard the embeded memory and unified shader are whats going to play the bigest difference.What are shaders anyway?and how does it effect the gpus?
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
You are right numbers don't mean anything without the developers to put it through.. the unified shaders it basically units that process certain things with the video.. On normal video cards there is 2 types of units each only process 1 type.. Think of a unit being for a specific thing.. unified basically means that 1 unit can do the function of both.. So you can make use of them all for 1 type of thing isntead of only half and the other half do nothing if you don't need them for the other type.. hence version non-techy.

Nvidia looked at doing unified and it wasn't "viable" for htem to do it.. they did build model using it and they choose this route.. Also i don't know why people would really scrutinise that article. it isn't biased it doesn't bash either one of the cards.. all it does is say "how" they do things different and report stuff that has been told by the vendors.. its a Very Unbiased review. you should just read it..

Also i am looking at what the Ps2 can do.. they have shown it able to output 2xHD signals so you can hook up 2 tvs to 1 Ps2.. You will be able to do 32x9 output (Panoramic) you can run 1 tv with game and 2nd with added info like stats and such if in racing game or map. Or you can have independant applications running on the 2nd TV.. (Note: Next sentance is my though nothing real or said about it) So possibly maybe 2 people playing two different games.. Maybe not viable but it seems that the hardware will be powerful enough possibly.
What I'm looking forward to aswell is better AI which killzone looks to bring.

Also to me graphics like the ones shown would mean alot. Look at that dirt rally game on the ps3. The combination of physics and graphics really change the experience. GTA in a life like city would rock. Seeing the emotions on a characters face in an rpg to see if he's lying or telling the truth. The details they will be able to put in a game now are endless (or, that's what I hope).

About the media center, I'm pretty sure ps3 will have that too and they will have blu-ray which is very tempting for people with hd-tv's. Which console will these people buy do you think? Ps3 with blu-ray or 360 with dvd. M$ is betting big on the hd-tv consumer but sony holds the best cards in hand for this group.

I'm planning to buy the revolution and ps3 now. Revolution because I think nintendo has just given up on being the biggest since they know theyt won't be able to contend with the two big guys. I think they'll make a relatively cheap console and just pump out some awesome games like they always do so they live to fight another day. The downloadable content sounds great aslong as they won't charge people for the old NES and SNES games.

I'm planing on a ps3 just because I'm blown away by what I've seen and read about it. I don't see M$ having the edge over them on any front except live. And I'm counting on Sony to have a similar online service this time with a huge online community and everything M$ has promissed.

I think I'm the only one who doesn't mind the ps3 controller that much (yet). I don't understand why people bash this thing just based on how it looks. And they've probably just seen one pick of it and not the side or back of it. I'll pas judgement once I've had it in my hands. Besides, it will probably be possible to hook up your old ps2 controllers via usb.

BTW, does anyone have a place where I can download american tv shows covering the E3? You know, shows just about games?
Finally, someone that knows exactly what i'm talking about. =P I can't wait for about 15 years from now. I'm betting "The World" will be a reality by then. Big Grin

And the ps3 controller looks horrible. It doesn't look comfy, the analog looks like it's in a terrible position and they way the buttons sit in the controller look like they're going to be hard to press. Doesn't mean i'm right, but it does look like i'm right. You can tell a lot about a controller simply by looking at it. I personally don't think the launch controller will look like that. They probably just made it look sleek for e3.
wrxh8r Wrote:Yeah im lapping up thet killzone clip but funily enough while its the power that wows me it not that much graphicly.I wonder how much of that style of gameplay can now be acheived.The ai,physics and animation of the characters.

Um, what exactly do you consider good graphics? Cuz I don't know a single pc game that looks that good. Please don't say something like HL2. I have HL2, it doesn't.

"There is one caveat however; the Cell processor in the PS3 will only feature 7 working SPEs, one will remain disabled in order to improve yields."

Maybe i'm just way too tired to think, but can someone explain exactly what this means? Does disabling one simply make the system cost less?

Also, is there a site that explains well what cell is? I thought it was the gpu all this time until i'm reading that it works with the gpu. :confused: Works with it to do what?

^ Confused.
This is a nice article from gamespot on where they compare the numers on the 360 and ps3 and what they actually mean. http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-15015-1985-x-x-x

You can check the 'inside and out' articles on the various machines on the GS hardware page. Very interesting read. http://www.gamespot.com/features/gshwe3/index.html
cell is basically just a regular processer like yoru Intel, AMD, etc.. so its the processor behind it and then Nvidia provided teh GPU. IF you search through these forums i posted a link to a great article talking about the Cell processor.

Also i am not sure where you got that quote about having 1 disabled? I know they will only have 7 SPE's and 1 other one. For the Cell in the Ps3 but a normal cell that they displayed or talked about has 8 SPE's .. I think they are only putting 7 in to make it a little cheaper in the Ps3. But i will attempt to find that Cell link again..

also elcoholic that gamespot site is very misleading.. they actually leave out some info on the Ps3..
for ethernet it will ahve RJ45x3 connections.. 1 externel, 2 internet GigE ports.. yes Ps3 will have Gigabit ethernet cards in it.. (Good thing i have a GigE router)

Also it fails to say that Each SPE will be at 3.2ghz so basially it will have
1 3.2ghz PPE and 7 3.2ghz SPE's..

also the Xbox 360 will have
3 3.2ghz Modified PowerPC G5's

so that site is very much lacking in the details department.. Its all very much interesting.. Also i read somewhere sony is looking at the Ps3 be no higher then
50,0000 Yen ~ 465USD
Here is the article to explain just teh Cell processor which possibly could be used in regular computers..
Okay lets look at it this way: Base computer tech improves about every six months now only about 1/4 of major computer users actually upgrade every six months, so the 360 which is on a late october early november calender right now will not at all be low-tech and certainly not the ps3 either, the tech is also custom built. Anyway, the ps3 will supposedly be able to link with the psp across the world so security will have to be very tight. The ceel processor is NOT about graphics, its about the behavior of ai and players and what and how they interact and change behavior with one another. Honestly if the games hold up I'll buy both, and the revolution of course. And nvidia and ati are neck and neck no one ever blows the other away, and the tech in the 360 and ps3 is custom so you cant compare them. Anyway does anyone think that if the ps3 pulls through with making that off road racer and killzone look that good if not better than they could dreamcast the 360? Both the ps3 and 360 have removable hard drive the only difference is that the ps3 comes with it and the 360 will have one that does not and one that does. Honestly I use my pc for programming not gaming I prefer consoles so there is no comparison. Consoles are made just for gaming. Are any of you excited about the blue-ray dvd player in the ps3, 360 still has a base player although I think you dont need the remote to play this time.With that player alone they could charge $350 then add all the hardware in the ps3 and ports and removable hdd and you have an expensive system. I stand next toa $400 launch cost, as far as 360 goes I say $300.
Hate to say it but the techonology hasn't been as faced paced as it used to. I have a Geforce 6800GT card in my system and it still 2nd to the top for the Nvidia (well soon to be 3rd) But thats after its been out 1 year.. 1 year before Nvidia finally put a card out that is faster well its the same 6800Ultra but with 512MB Ram.. Also look at processors they haven't gotten any faster for a while now.. But they have changed shift.. now its going Duel Core.. SO what i am saying is for raw processing i think the next gen consoles will actually out power desktops when they come out.

And i hate to say it but there is reports that Microsoft will actually make there system cost more then they expected so they can reap the benifits of the Ps3 taking longer to show up.. Until the Ps3 shows up then they will drop the price to match the Ps3.
If you wish to read the article.. So your $300 for 360 i highly doubt it.. it will probably be around 450-500

Actually the Ps3 will be a dvd player also.. it can support basically all media + blu-ray which will give it an advantage with blu-ray since 1 disk can hold 25gigs. and they are now making a blu-ray disk that can hold 100gig.s.
With killzone i meant that i see no reason why it shouldnt be possable.
I thought xbox has hdd ps3 hasnt it cost extra.I also thought that the 8th spe was there but was non programable for games.I had assumed it was for doing the extra stuff while your playing games.runing web browsers camera and ps3 main interface on the second monitor.Just a thought.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
I've heard the xbox's hdd does not come with the system. Doesn't mean they havn't changed their minds or that the information I read was wrong.
Actually yea the Ps3 will.. xbox will be addon.. but i read another article and it says that it will have 8 and possibly the 8th will be like a backup.. If 1 of the spe's quit working ti will run that one etc.. But with having like 7 of the spe's it can theory run 7 threads at the same time. So it could run alot of thigns as once.. Same as the Xbox 360 it will be able to run 6 threads at one time.. using 3 processors.. Kinda HyperThreadnig for the PowerPC chips
I got that quote from the article you posted compairing the xbox and the ps3. It states it I think on the third page of the ps3 article.

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