Btw Vicious which state do you live in? If you live pretty close that could mean faster service. Living in North Dakota i'd probably be the 2-3 day delivery guy.

Also, if I wanted to rent movies i'd rent them here as new releases cost under $2.00 and older movies cost less than $1.00... I just want anime. Only take2 rents anime besides blockbuster and I already own most of what they rent at take2 and as I stated I will not rent from blockbuster ever again. Makes me wonder why anyone rents from blockbuster really. Why would anyone want to rent from a place that constantly harasses you about late movies and paying late fees, especially when they are so small. =/
Well, just signed up. We'll see how it goes. It's really annoying when you want to add single discs from a series of like 30 discs. having to add to cue then click two buttons just to get back to the add page then having to scroll down and do it again is really irritating.
This is my retailer review of Netflix after I was with them for the first time for the duration of 5 months. I'll try to shorten it.

Japschin Wrote:First 2 wks trial, the delivery time was fantastic. 3 dvds every other day. When the trial was over, I signed up for the 8 DVDs out plan. First month, I managed to watch about 50+ movies. 2nd month, the delivery time slowed down to getting the DVDs every 2 or 3 days. still managed to get at least 40+ movies.

3rd month, I changed my plan to 5 DVDs out since I was busy in school. The delivery time was really bad. I could send out 3 DVDs at the same time and at the same Post Office, let's say on Monday, NetFlix would check in 1 on Tuesday, 1 on Friday and 1, the following Monday. THE ADDRESS ON THE RETURN ENVELOPE IS ONLY A 15 MINUTES DRIVE FROM MY HOUSE!!!! 20 movies that month.

4th month, change to 3 DVDs Out Plan since I suspected that NetFlix slowed down my delivery because I watched too much. That was worse. My Postman came early around 12pm during that time. I remembered since I was waiting for new anime dvds to come everyday. Hence, I could finish watching 3 DVDs and return them before the last mail collection time. I sent out 3 movies around 4.30pm on Monday. NetFlix received 1 on Wednesday, another on Friday and 3rd the following Monday. Throughout the whole month, I only got 10 movies.

5th month, worst month ever, to find out if NetFlix was doing that intentionally, I sent 3 dvds out together in a priority mail envelope with delivery confirmation. NetFlix received the dvds the very next day. HOWEVER, NetFlix notified me, they received 1 DVD on the 3rd day, 2nd DVD on the 7th day and the 3rd DVD, 15 days later. The 3rd week of the 5th month, this time, I sent 3 DVDs out individually in a priority mail envelope with delivery confirmation. The 3 DVDs reached them the very next day. HOWEVER, NetFlix only checked in the 1st DVD after the 7th day it was returned. The 2nd and 3rd DVDs, NetFlix claimed that they did not receive any and threatened to charge my credit card if I did not return the movies. 6 or 7 movies that month.

I emailed the customer service department, giving them all the Delivery Confirmation #s and not to try this crap with me since I have all the #s etc.
The very next day, early in the morning, I received an email saying that NetFlix received the 2 movies which they claimed intially that they did not receive.

Customer service is very unsatisfactory. They only responded to my emails with," There is nothing we could do since there is no check-in records for the dvds you sent back.""You have 7 days to return the dvds. If not, your credit card will be charged the full retail price for each dvds" etc etc.

I believe that NetFlix looks at the user's rental history. If you are able to watch a lot, they adjust your delivery time. I watched too fast and too many, that's why NetFlix try to stall the delivery time. I have friends who live only a couple of blocks from me, they only watch 2 or 3 dvds a week and their checking in times are superb, always the very next day, max 2 days. 2 other classmates, who watch as much as I do, they live only 5 mins away from the address on the return envelope, they got the same crappy, lousy delivery time as I did.
That's why I've been on-off with Netflix for the last 1.5 years. After the initial signing up, Netflix made sure that I could not stay more than 2 mths. The checking in time is atrocious especially after the free 14 days trial or usually after the first paid month. On average of 3-5 days if you are lucky, if not, 7-10 days.

Basically, those who watch more than the allotted movies as per program (eg. 3 DVDs out i.e 3 dvds per week or whatever), you could easily see a significant slow down in checking in and delivery speed (delay shipping new movies out for a day or two). Check in Monday, ship out Wednesday.

I just rejoined a month ago coz a bonus mileage program for my star alliance airline. I'm guessing that Netflix has a record as per address so that they could modify the shipping/checking in times. Guess how many movies I got for the whole 4 weeks including the 14 days free trial.
Free Trial: 5 movies
2 weeks thereafter: 5
10 movies in 4 weeks, with one supposedly 'lost in mail'. -------> my A** because I sent 3 back in one priority envelope. Checked in 1st dvd 5 days later, 2nd dvd 8 days later. 3rd, CS said don't know and they could not verify since it's the warehouse workers that check the movies in.
Amethyst Wrote:Blockbuster has the same deal

BB is worse than Netflix. My friend gave me a one month free subscription code. I didn't even get new movies. Wanted old movies like, Little Princess, Murder In the First, Young Guns, Silence of the Lambs were all "LONG WAIT"....
Basically, all my movies were short waits that evolve to long waits.

5 movies a month at BB?

hbk101 Wrote:There is Anime Takeout. Don't know how good it is. But I know they sent anime in correct order (they got a feature called series lock) and supposedly, you get better chance of getting your first choice than netflix. Again, I don't know how good they are.

Anime Takeout: Very good customer service, that's why I stayed after the 10 days free trial.
HOWEVER, going to cancel it after the first month is up because:
1. Same county: 3-5 days to check in movies.
Basically it's 2 movies every week. Kind of inconvenient when it comes to returning movies if you lost the mailer. You have request it from CS, wait for them to send a new one to you before you could send the dvds back.
2. Pretty 'bad' anime collection. It's like 95% of their dvds are all out of #1 and #2 dvds have been 'out of stock' for the last 2.5 weeks.....
3. Back dated inventory: Dvds that have been released 2-3 weeks ago, still has the 'coming soon' tag on them.

If you put a lock on there, basically you don't get any dvds if your 1st volume is out of stock.

Too much hassle...
Cidien Wrote:Btw Vicious which state do you live in? If you live pretty close that could mean faster service. Living in North Dakota i'd probably be the 2-3 day delivery guy.

True. I live in Northern VA, and I think Netflix has a distribution center in MD somewhere, so I'm not too far away from them.
I'm currently on the BB free trial. They mailed all 3 of my movies on Monday. Got 2 movies on Thursday and one of Friday. They shipped from MA and I'm in NJ. I probably won't stick with them after the free trial because it took 3-4 days just for shipping. I had Netflix about 4 years ago and I don't think it took that long. Probably because there was a distribution center nearby... so I used a new e-mail address to sign up for the netflix free trial. If it's even a day faster than BB, I'll stick with them.
i've been with netflix for about 1/2 a year now and i see no problems with it. i like it.
[Image: ffc.jpg]
Nevermind. Just fiddled with it. Crappy instructions for a first time opener..
Ive heard they can get lost in the mail , and you get the bill- is this true, anyone ever have a movie get lost and you got stuck-- seems it could happen if its not sent certified etc. ? thats probably the biggest reason I havent tried Netflix or Blockbuster- without it being sent back to them with proof that i did it , this might happen? :eek:
I think if they don't get the dvd's back.. or if they were lost in the mail too often, then they might bill you. It says in their website that things might get lost in the mail once in a while and you can file a report or something. But if it happens often, you will get billed.

I decided to still with Netflix.. their dvds were coming in about a day faster even though they were both shipped from New Brunswick, NJ. Plus BB had a lot of movies on wait while Netflix didn't. I am just bummed that Netflix doesn't have Maison Ikkoku.. oh well, I guess I'll just buy the sets.
Netflix is already starting to slow their shipping. They reported getting all 3 at the same time but only shipped one out. The other two aren't being shipped for whatever reason.
There is also a blockbuster online renting and they have alot of anime,and you also get I think 2 free instore rentals a month.The shipping was pretty fast as well.^_^

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