Anyone used Netflix before? It sounds like a decent deal - but is it? It sounds like you don't get to choose what they send you. =/ Do you make a list and they send you whatever they like from that list? Sounds kinda crappy if you're trying to rent anime. Anyone know?
I use it and I love it. You make a list and put your titles in order in a que. They send you what's available starting with the top of your que first. 98% of the time, I get my first choice. They have tons of anime, but you have to do a search for it. If you just click on 'anime', you won't see alot of the stuff.
Netflix is not very good for watching anime. I got so tired of them sending the series out of order. Too often, they sent you later volumes first. Then you have to wait till you get correct volume. You have 2 choices, either you watch series out of order, or you wait a while to watch in correct order.

And someone also told me that if you are a high volume user, they discriminate against you. For example, you almost never get new releases, and sometimes they don't ship out your selection right away (even though available) to reduce your usage.

From my experience, if you sign up for 3-out-at-a-time, you probably get to rent no more than 12 discs a month.
hbk101 Wrote:Netflix is not very good for watching anime. I got so tired of them sending the series out of order. Too often, they sent you later volumes first. Then you have to wait till you get correct volume. You have 2 choices, either you watch series out of order, or you wait a while to watch in correct order.

And someone also told me that if you are a high volume user, they discriminate against you. For example, you almost never get new releases, and sometimes they don't ship out your selection right away (even though available) to reduce your usage.

From my experience, if you sign up for 3-out-at-a-time, you probably get to rent no more than 12 discs a month.

Or you can burn them and watch it once you get the whole series. =P I'm thinking i'll probably sign up, not sure yet though. Anyone else have any insight?
There is Anime Takeout. Don't know how good it is. But I know they sent anime in correct order (they got a feature called series lock) and supposedly, you get better chance of getting your first choice than netflix. Again, I don't know how good they are.
When I used to get through anime at a decent rate, I'd get to do 15 DVD's in a month. If they're new series, you might get them out of order. But that's why you don't list entire series back to back to back in your que. I mix my que up some, so I don't have volumes of the same title next to each other, so I never get volumes out of order. They don't discriminate against you or anything like that at all.
Sounds like descrimination against high-volume user is their recent practice because the person told me that it used to be fine. It doesn't help that netflix recent earning report was not good at all.

Wall street journal said if netflix has to charge less than $2.00 a disc, they lose money. That is, your membership fee is $20/month and you rent 10 disc that month, netflix breaks even, with 11 disc, netflix lose money.

Probably netflix management had to answer to their board's criticism about slumping earning. So it seems they changed their tactics recently.
hbk101 Wrote:Probably netflix management had to answer to their board's criticism about slumping earning. So it seems they changed their tactics recently.

This is all speculation on your part. You have no idea what their actual business practices are.
Not all of it. My friend wasn't getting any of new releases. So just to see what's going on, she signed up her fiance for new trial membership and put new releases on the que list. Those new releases came right away. Netflix admmited this practice. They give preference to newer members.

And she sees some titles that are available in her que list, but they didn't get shipped the same day. It seems they hold them for 1-2 days before shipping them, and it happens a lot.
Blockbuster has the same deal, only they also include each month a free dvd rental and/or free game rental from their stores only... and they only charge $14.99 per month for the 3 dvd's... I can't say how their service is, but I'd go with them since they are cheaper and offer the same thing as Netflix... plus you get the extra game rental if you want to drive to the local store and pick it up...
NetFlix is the best thing ever. Get it now!
Amethyst Wrote:Blockbuster has the same deal, only they also include each month a free dvd rental and/or free game rental from their stores only... and they only charge $14.99 per month for the 3 dvd's... I can't say how their service is, but I'd go with them since they are cheaper and offer the same thing as Netflix... plus you get the extra game rental if you want to drive to the local store and pick it up...

I will NEVER deal with blockbuster. A few years ago they did an audit on my mom when I rented under her account. Why? Because I told them i'd pay the $1.50 next time I rented from them and I wasn't going to make a trip to their store JUST to give them their $1.50. Havn't been back since...
hbk101 Wrote:Not all of it. My friend wasn't getting any of new releases. So just to see what's going on, she signed up her fiance for new trial membership and put new releases on the que list. Those new releases came right away. Netflix admmited this practice. They give preference to newer members.

I'd love to see this email in which they admitted to this practice. They'd be stupid to admit to something like that.

I've never had a problem with any of my titles coming in. Like I've said earlier, I get about 98% of the titles at the top of my que right away.
I already tried making this post so lets try it again

Ok i had net flix and i got like 3 or 4 dvd's in 3 weeks because they took so long to ship im talking 5 to 6 days to ship so yeah.

Secondly when i asked them to send some stuff i got either wrong disks or a disk without the special features disk and in fact one was too scratched to play and when i sent it back to get a different copy it never came but something else on my list came

basically out of the 4 or what not disks i got 1 didn't even work and the other was the wrong one so yeah......

This was when i was a new member so they sure didn't show me any favortism thats for sure.

I have talked to different friends of mine and they said how for the first 3 or so months they got service good but after that it started taking forever to send out dvd's so yeah im just warning you

pretty much DON'T DO NETFLIX

as far as blockbuster unless you want new releases forget it

their in store selection of anything past 5 years is ussually pretty weak they didn't even have the nightmare before christmas when i went as well as pleasentville the truman show and one other i don't remember the name of and granted those are somewhat old but it's crazy that they didn't have 4 movies that i asked for.

What i have been doing is just running by pawnshops to find movies i want to see and if you really really want to see a movie check ebay for a cheap price.

Of course if you only want newer movies do block buster and if you want a good selection netflix has it but BE WARNED netflix is absolutely horrible for service and they play favorites big time.........

so yeah

You may want to try walmart's but it's kinda weak but at least their service was better then netflix's

If you just need to see 5 or 6 movies then sign up on netflix for a month but if there are a lot of older movies you want to see i would reccomend looking around for some other service then the ones listed.

If netflix had better service i would be a all time subscriber but since they don't.........

If your looking for anime try to find a shop that rents it for fairly cheap i get rentals for 1.50 a piece on tuesdays and they carry about the same selection as cookiejarvideo lets just say they have most of what you want if it's in english and even some that are in japanese. it's great

but yeah that would be the best way to rent to be honest
Like I've said, I've never had a problem with Netflix and I've had them for over a year now. I still get movies delivered in the same time it took me when it was new. I'd say, give it a try and cancel it if you don't like the service.

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