x-box next/worth it?
They made that comment about how fast it was back then.. Pentiums have come along way.. I think the cell process that they developed was right now at 4.6ghz i think.. But don't just look at the GHZ. since more is into how the chip works.. Its closer to a Cray processer which is just designed for multimedia processing type stuff.. While the CELL process does have a basic PowerPC processor on it to handle the Basic processing and such.. Gotta find that artcile from anadatech (sp?) about how the Cell processor works.. The Cell is really used and highlights Parrellel processing. Which is also where Intel and AMD is going with there processor's with the duel cores and such.. Also the Xbox next will have 4 PowerPC processors in it so its going for parrellel processing also.. only thing we don't know is about nintendo's..

Also with the xbox's it could be true about the new ones.. Microsoft has cut alot of costs int he MB manufacturing process. I mean there are less chips, bunch of chips microsoft has made on there own, not purchased from other companies. So that could be true.. but the original ones had alot more stuff in them.. plus it had pads to upgrade it to 128mb RAM. ;o)
its funny the big M really doenst have to care about loss they have billions so 50$ a system is like half a penny to them. so i dont think it matters. they are doing it so they can yet try to dominate the console world. Nintendo keeps close wrapps on info on next gen consloles they make. and so far they are the best at it.


attatched is a cool looking mock up of the PS3

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[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

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