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Blight Wrote:Specifically, what are you referring to? I'll have to look it up on GameFaqs. But from what I remember, there's a glitch that takes place in a certain room, & if you save at a certain point you won't be able to go any further..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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There's far to many board topics to search through. I got to about page 35 & haven't see the topic.
The general format was something to this effect:
Guy says he wasn't to fond of God of War... & comapres it to two big name competitors.
People came in blasting him about how much DMC1 sucked, & how much co*k DMC3 should suck... Then they told him he was a moron.
Rise repeat...he tells them about the glitch, to which they say so what it's still "teh b3s7 6am3 3\/r!!11!1!11"
Some people just can't understand another person's opinion, which then again I think all the people doing DMC vs GoW topics should burn in Hell. One hand we have brats who are spoilled by their favorite series (DMC) then you have spiteful brats who got owned by DMC & bash it..there's also geniuen fans of each, & those that love both..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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rav96 Wrote:just wait for th DVD 5 downsized rip...its gonna be out soon
the 4 cd rip kit is out allready
You were right. Damn they're fast with that stuff. Looks like I'll be reporting back in a little when I've played it. Although its a real popular file so grabing it will take some time. I've never seen (in my 3 months) so many leechers for a ps2 game.
I can't wait though. I just hope I'll still feel like playing RE4 after I've played this. It looks so fucking cool.
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lol yeah...make sure to seed for atleast a day when ya complete, give allittle back
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can someone explain to me why everyone seems to like the devil may cry games more then any other ones i beat the first one all the way thru 100% and it was ok but kinda boring and extremely repetitive and i own the second and lets be honest unless you only care about action it completely sucks.
So whats the appeal.
i like the legact of kain games and onimushu and i will ever go for a 2d castlevania game every so often but the devil may cry games just kinda bore me and always end up being way too easy
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03-30-2005, 10:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2005, 10:17 AM by Batz Kage.)
Although I personally loved DMC2, saying it name infront of many fans will get you a beating..From my understanding...everyone love DMC, but the Japanese gamers, er, kinda sucked at it, so the second one was dumbed down, & they loved it.
DMC3, if you don't orb farm (replay levels to buy up grade -_-) is harder than the first one..
For 3 you pretty much have to love watching yourself do sweet moves while making sure you don't die, but to enjoy it to its up most, you must love Dante (Which I do  )
DMC1 is the hardest game I've ever played in the sense that whenever I died I knew it was my fault were as in many other games when I bite the dust I can justifiable say it is at fault of the game (bad controls)..
That said, I'm no complete fan boy, but I'm quite taken with the series. I too do tend to look down upon God of War like most the other fan boys, because I skim around the GameFaqs forums, & read what each set of gamers say. Those that like both say they're different types of games.
Those that like GoW's only complaints are that DMC3 is to hard (all other complaints they've ever had seemed to be either complete proof they haven't played the game, or suck at gaming in general). They do sometimes as well talk about the graphics -_-..
DMC fans just say GoW lacks replay value, a deep combat system, & difficulty.
Summed up: DMC=Mindless Action Packed Killing, that with the less button mashing you do, the more fun you have. As, wit hthe style rating, each set of enemies are like a personal challenge to the player, to style & reach that SSS rank & kept it as long as they's all part of the thrill.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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im a fan boy of stylish combo and dante :p
but i do take the pint of repetitive gmeplay but then thats what this gnre always is..theres no point of it being a genre if it was a mix of gnres now is there?
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03-30-2005, 07:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2005, 07:39 PM by Cyrus.)
well i don't think onimushu 2 and 3 are repetive the thing with DMC 1 and 2 is that since all your weapons are long range it is just too repetive and easy cus it's just shoot or transform and shoot faster no combos other then shoot one enemy then switch and shoot another that sorta thing.
sorry that was a little long
also with the second and third onimushu's you get a big range of weapons. In fact you can get all the weapons from all 3 games on the 3rd one so.
on the first you get 3 swords and a double sided spear staff shipuu or somn so it's kinda lame but it's still pretty good
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to me i never really class the DMC and Onimusha games in the same catergory, its more survival horror styley , though they are kinda similar in ways
DMC trilogy, castelvania,Nanobreakers,chaos legion, van hellsing etc...
Onimusha trilogy, RE series, dinocrisis series etc...
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Cyrus Wrote:well i don't think onimushu 2 and 3 are repetive the thing with DMC 1 and 2 is that since all your weapons are long range it is just too repetive and easy cus it's just shoot or transform and shoot faster no combos other then shoot one enemy then switch and shoot another that sorta thing.
Does that mean you didn'tuse the swords at all?
I know this is easy to do in 2, heck one of the bosses you HAD to use guns on;
I haven't played DMC in a long time, but when I did I was forced to use the swords even though I'm not quite found of them, as I wasn't good AT ALL with the combat system, or the crappy camera angles.
The best thing with DMC3 is the ability to switch weapon at the touch of a button. Which they tried in 2, but it's A LOT better now (although they limit the number of weapons Dante can carry).
You can open up a can with Rebellion, switch to Cerberus (nunchakus) to do the flip forward action slamming the weapon into the ground, switch right back to the sword & upper cut them into the air & either:
follow them into the air & hit them with an air rave combo (assuming you have sword master on)
or juggle them with gun fire;
which leads into either, an upper cut with the nunchakus, or you can switch guns to say, the rocket launcher, or the shotgun; either of which will throw the enemy back, & then you can stinger into them.
Plus, what other game lets you kick arse with a guitar, & it works so well!
*Sigh* and to think I put it away to play Castlevania: LoI & Nano Beaker.. The one thing I think it's missing other than a movie gallery, would be a Bloody Palace like in 2.
DMC3 is the only game that while fighting a boss I felt like I was going to have a heart attack my heart was about to pop out my chest, & then when I beat the boss I was soooooooooo happy.. I generally suck at gaming, so I wasn't entirely over reacting..
If anyone questions DMC 3 atleast give it a rental, & if you end up finding it to easy, & don't want to have to beat it twice to open up DMD then use the code to unlock all extras.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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