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Any one played it yet? I have seen a couple of reviews, but everyone probably knows how I feel about them. Looks totally badass. Better than Devil May Cry 3, and that game is fun.
It looks fucking awesome. DMC3 beater indeed according to the reviews (which are all more than positive).

Too bad its on a dvd9 so I wont get it since I can't dl and burn it. Just bought RE4 and GT4 and those are the last games I'll actually buy this generation(maybe socom3 if it gets here in time). I've had it with the games industry and wont support them if I don't have to (untill they lower prices and treat europe the same as the rest of the world. Delaying the psp for another year WTF!!!)
just wait for th DVD 5 downsized rip...its gonna be out soon
the 4 cd rip kit is out allready
I played the game while I was working a week ago. It was okay nothing too engaging to me. Then again show me a game I get too deep into.
OMG, this game fucking rocks. I played the demo and I knew I must have this game. I was going to buy it today, but I only have 3 weeks left in the trimester for school. I didnt want to buy it then fail cuz i cant pull myself away.
I'm only able to judge it from in game video that I saw. I had plans to get it, then my buget got tight. I was still considering it, then I saw a few vids of the gameplay & now I think I'll wait till I find it used...
in my opinion without the coolness of a central character like Dante...i will not play it much...i just like the DMC style and designs
rav96 Wrote:in my opinion without the coolness of a central character like Dante...i will not play it much...i just like the DMC style and designs
Have you seen how badass the main character of GoW is, he would murder Dante in a second. Not saying that Dante isnt badass, just less of a badass. :p
i tried God of war and it was ok it just seemed really limited to be honest

Id go with the Onimushu series i have all 3 and the first is ok the second is completely awesome and the 3rd has the best fighting

the 2nd and 3rd both have good replay value the 2nd has amazing replay the first isn't that great but hey you could get it for 5 dollars so....

but yeah those are really cool

God of war was ok but i wouldn't spend more then 20 on it.
Over on gamerankings, this is THE highest ranked game of 2005 so far (out of all consoles)

I've heard nothing but good about it. But I won't be able to try it unless I rent it, or if my brother ends up buying it this weekend.
Ok, so i picked up this game yesterday... HOLY ASS MONKIES!!!! This game is awesome. Its like a giant mish-mash of rygar, onimusha, devil may cry, and prince of persia, all into one stellar package! Great visuals, insane violence, nudity, and it totally f's around with greek mythology!

See what happens when a company takes its time on a game? Instead of trying to spit it out to the masses... You get QUALITY
desfunk Wrote:Ok, so i picked up this game yesterday... HOLY ASS MONKIES!!!! This game is awesome. Its like a giant mish-mash of rygar, onimusha, devil may cry, and prince of persia, all into one stellar package! Great visuals, insane violence, nudity, and it totally f's around with greek mythology!

See what happens when a company takes its time on a game? Instead of trying to spit it out to the masses... You get QUALITY

...Whoopee, I was hoping to hear something like this from a real person! I had been following the game for over a year and really didn't want to be let down. Now I just hope the X-Box exclusive Advent Rising that I have been watching for forever is good.
desfunk Wrote:See what happens when a company takes its time on a game? Instead of trying to spit it out to the masses... You get QUALITY
And two glitches, one of which forces you to restart the game over..
Batz Kage Wrote:And two glitches, one of which forces you to restart the game over..

Specifically, what are you referring to?
-spike- Wrote:Have you seen how badass the main character of GoW is, he would murder Dante in a second. Not saying that Dante isnt badass, just less of a badass. :p

Dante would wo0p his ass!!! just by his hair and coat alone....:p
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