Positive news reguarding FX
i can wait till fx is back because I wanted to purchase the Mahoromatic season 1and 2 boxset, but since the FX bust, the "limited" edition boxsets of fushigi yugi, kenshin,and mahoromatic have been dwindling lately. Not a long of people are selling them anymore.
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
I dont get why people get excited over those "limited" boxes. All it is, is a cardboard box. Most FX artwork is very lacking imo, but yes the boxes that they made to stick the stuff in is nice.

Update on FX

Cashan Wrote:...FX is dead btw as far as we can tell. Apparently EZDVD should be taking over for FX in the mean time....Hopefully in about the next month EZDVD will be reproducing FX's line

EZDVD has released live action movies and some anime, like the FLCL set in conjunction with FX. So yeah...not too hard to connect the dots there. [big grin]
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That does sound good ! will wait to read some reviews on their quality thou, sounds like a mixed bag- might just be copies of FX stuff with reduced picture quality-- like Mac does , not trying to be negative - but something is better than nothing-- bought some MI stuff recently and am very impressed-- think importanime should carry more of those --not too many dealers in north america carry those- at least ones you can afford ! Importanime is whom i usually buy stuff, Im just use to better than Mac quality ! Wink
Does EZ have a website or is there anymore info about them?
Zagatto on Women:

Something I learned through the years is that if you please one woman then you've got two or three women that think you're great.
If you piss off one woman then you have twenty or thirty that think you're garbage.
I stand corrected
[Image: kitty.gif]
EZ not FX, nuff said
I'm surprised they didn't call themselves EW instead (E comes before F, W comes before X). Then again, who would want a company named ew? :p
[Image: 468x60_gumgum.gif]
desfunk Wrote:Then again, who would want a company named ew? :p
..... Big Grin Big Grin
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
so, what does this mean? Is FX dead or is coming back, Or are they renameing FX to EZ. I need to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:
could the ez your thinking about be ( http://www.ezdvd.com.tw/ ) ?
From what I know about EZDVD they do not have the resources fx has. Many people I been chating with are thinking they might as well just rent anime at block buster or netflix, and copy it themselves. Whatever comes from mac normally is just a copy from fx anyways. Then again you can just forget all about dubbed funimation, adv copies and just get the japanese copies from MI.. Well time will just tell when you log onto import-anime.com and see "Update new anime from EZDVD arrived!". Well if I was EZDVD I would hold off untill the new HD dvd media is out on the market. That way nobody will complain about Pixilation.. Then again Quicktime 7 comes out like in what April 26th? and it has the new H.264 codec that will be used, if that means anything to anybody.
Im hoping that importanime has a wait and see attitude toward this company,(EZ) in the mean time they should carry more MI -selected titles, recently I have been very disapointed with the titles Importanime has been caring, either their older titles or ones I could care less about. WE WANT MORE NEWER TITLES . Big Grin
Well looks like I found one of the first EZ Dvd tiles to take over from FX..... http://store.animearigato.com/758ee.html.... looks very.. very interesting...
Probably an MI rip and being sold at MI prices.

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