Rei-chan's Trade List more updates 3/23/03..
#16 annoying cable modem was acting up on me all day...

To Kakomu: Who are the authors of your Chem. book and Pre Cal book? Do you happen to have more advanced Chem books?

To Bumperboy: I'm not offering the Project Ako Perfect Collection instead Im just offering the old Project Ako dvd. Also, my Kenshin dvds are both r1 but I may be trading them soon..

To Pchmura: Wouldn't happen to have a Biochem book lying around?

To Fairymon: Please check you PM box.

I'll be on pretty much til late night Wink
Precalculus: A graphing Approach
By Demana, Waits, Clemens and Foley
Published by: Addison Wesley

Chemistry 5th edition
By Zumdahl (This professor teaches at my college, UIUC, and that's why we use it).
Published By: Houghton Mifflin

While I don't have anything more advanced, I do believe it's good fo 101 and 102. I also forgot I had my High School Calc book (which is good through AP Calc AB and BC both Series, Alt Integrationj methods and Multi Variable Calc)

Calculus Sixth Edition
By Swokowski, Olinick and Pence
Published by: PWS Publishing
*bump* added some new stuff
[Image: 01sig.jpg]
i work in a bookstore and i would be willing to trade books for your witch hunter robin sets, just pm me what ever you are looking for
( i do the science, math and computer sections and there are a few hundred too many books for me to list).
Witch Hunter Robin Volumes 1-4 R1

interested in these dvds. those it have the artbox? pm me if interested
I have angel boxsets season 1+2. I'm interested in Witch Hunter Robin and Rurouni Kenshin OVAs both are R1 (Betrayal and Trust). Pm me back if your intersted. Btw, I pmed you with some questions. ^^
*~ Tiffy~*

"Thank you God!! I've got... my PRINT CLUB!!!"

My R1 Collection

My list wish

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