Best Mainstream Anime
Blight Wrote:Two questions: Hunter X Hunter, the other popular work by the maker of Yu Yu right? Where is that on? (Seriously, I?d like to see it)

Well, I don't know about the anime but the manga is pretty cool. The first 11 volumes are amazing, then, for 3 or 4 volumes it's very, very boring but then the story picks up again.

Cidien Wrote:The first five or so episodes are a snorefest. I almost stopped watching the series. I forgot whoever said there wasn't one single boring episode but you must be easily amused. Some of the later episodes are great - and some are boring. The last 10 or so are really good though.

I agree with Desfunk, there isn't a single boring episode in this series. I'm not saying this because I'm easily amused, simply because I find the story very interesting.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Couple of things, one dragon ball z or just dragon ball as it is properly named ( americans added the z) is best in its original manga form. The tv series dragged out things because they had to add too much content to make it last 24 minutes. The manga is much more fast paced, I only watch the movies i dont like the tv series. Second Gundam wing had a great story and some of the best gundam characters of any series but was boring to watch, the gundams were far too powerful and the entire series was completly predictable. 8th MS team was better and by far my second fav( original still rules) both sides were evenly matched and it better put a face on the enemy rather than the good guys and everyone else is evil. Finally, Cowboy BeBop by far is probably the best main stream tv anime, do you really need to know why.
geo85 Wrote:Couple of things, one dragon ball z or just dragon ball as it is properly named ( americans added the z) is best in its original manga form. The tv series dragged out things because they had to add too much content to make it last 24 minutes. The manga is much more fast paced, I only watch the movies i dont like the tv series. Second Gundam wing had a great story and some of the best gundam characters of any series but was boring to watch, the gundams were far too powerful and the entire series was completly predictable. 8th MS team was better and by far my second fav( original still rules) both sides were evenly matched and it better put a face on the enemy rather than the good guys and everyone else is evil. Finally, Cowboy BeBop by far is probably the best main stream tv anime, do you really need to know why.

Right... the americans added the Z...

Is that why when you watch the original japanese version at the end of the into there's a big DRAGONBALL Z picture...?
The original manga was known as one entire series named dragonball there was never a break or gap inbetween. the z was added later when the tv series reached that point, and yeah it was added by americans, what set are you watching is it one you bought from this site because they compile everything into one set, are you actually watching something made in Japan for the Japanese??? I fyou still disagree I can ask a Japanese friend of mine.
First, i've watched most of the original uncut japenese release, yes they did add the Z, not the americans. I don't care what the manga did, that's irrelevant. Second, I have quite a few japanese friends and they all know the show by the name dragonball z. Of course they all think it's a kids show and laugh at me for watching it.
Okay I was wrong the z was added to the original version but only in the tv series. what do you mean that the manga is irrelevant, the tv series sucks major a**. the manga is the only way to go when it comes to dragon ball. not even the original japanese version was any good. The voics acting sucked in both versions, the animation was sub par and the music paled, the manga is by far much better. oh and the fights were actually good in the manga, unlike 15 minutes of stare down and 2 minutes of fighting like the tv series.
oh and unlike the tv series the manga didn't take two whole episodes for five minutes to pass when namek was going to blow up.
Cidien Wrote:First, i've watched most of the original uncut japenese release, yes they did add the Z, not the americans. I don't care what the manga did, that's irrelevant. Second, I have quite a few japanese friends and they all know the show by the name dragonball z. Of course they all think it's a kids show and laugh at me for watching it.

I read somewhere that the Z means Zeto TV Tome to be exact. So maybe you can verify that. But Geo heres the thing of course they had to stretch it out for time.
[Image: IA.jpg]

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Puppet Master Wrote:I read somewhere that the Z means Zeto TV Tome to be exact. So maybe you can verify that. But Geo heres the thing of course they had to stretch it out for time.

The Z actually means nothing. They just felt like adding it to distinguish between the 2 series. Kinda odd huh, lol. I know too much useless info about dbz. I was such a fanboy.... lol. :p

P.S. I'd rather watch an animated fight than a buncha still pictures. Fight mangas bore me.
Cidien Wrote:The Z actually means nothing. They just felt like adding it to distinguish between the 2 series. Kinda odd huh, lol. I know too much useless info about dbz. I was such a fanboy.... lol. :p

P.S. I'd rather watch an animated fight than a buncha still pictures. Fight mangas bore me.
I heard that the Z was added the represent the end of the series, "Z" being the last letter of the alphabit.

Some people may say that doesnt make sense because of "GT"...But in my opinion. GT is a load of crap not worthy of the Dragon Ball title its fucked up wanna be creator gave it. Excuse my french.

Does that make me a fangirl? :p
./"Hey you, you only love me when i'm down. F*ck me, play yourself we'll mess around. On you, gazebo life you got me down. My pool, swim in this place and you'll drown. ~The Trews - "Antigonish Song"
[Image: guts20banner201smaller7jf.jpg]
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geo85 Wrote:Okay I was wrong the z was added to the original version but only in the tv series. what do you mean that the manga is irrelevant, the tv series sucks major a**. the manga is the only way to go when it comes to dragon ball. not even the original japanese version was any good. The voics acting sucked in both versions, the animation was sub par and the music paled, the manga is by far much better. oh and the fights were actually good in the manga, unlike 15 minutes of stare down and 2 minutes of fighting like the tv series.

Pfff, speak for yourself, on all accounts.
katherine_jean Wrote:I heard that the Z was added the represent the end of the series, "Z" being the last letter of the alphabit.

Some people may say that doesnt make sense because of "GT"...But in my opinion. GT is a load of crap not worthy of the Dragon Ball title its fucked up wanna be creator gave it. Excuse my french.

Does that make me a fangirl? :p

That may indeed be true, but it was never stated by any of the dbz staff to my knowledge. (which again, is way too much lol) anyone remember I think I memorized damn near everything on that site lol. Wasted way too much of my life reading there and elsewhere... lol.
Cidien Wrote:That may indeed be true, but it was never stated by any of the dbz staff to my knowledge. (which again, is way too much lol) anyone remember I think I memorized damn near everything on that site lol. Wasted way too much of my life reading there and elsewhere... lol.

I think I remember that site but its hard to recall. There were soooo many DBZ fansites and they all were alike. I think DBZ ranked in the top three of topics searched for on the internet for a few years in my country (no.1 being porn ofcourse).
#44 was the best dbz site out there by far. There were others that were pretty good but this was the best. They had the most info/multimedia/new news - everything. Was kinda sad when they gave up the domain. I'm surprised they chose not to sell it. I'm sure there's some super dbz freak that woulda paid a lotta money just to own the domain.
I've owned the manga and the series before dragonball/z was even released here. As much as I love the original series these debates get really old and tiresome to read.

Back ontopic I think I'll add Inuyasha to the list (if it hasn't been already).

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